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我是晚上死缠烂打。I'm a night stalker.

我还是觉得是那跟踪狂。Our best bet is still the stalker.

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我对我的好朋友死缠烂打,终于答应了。I have my good friend stalker finally agreed.

这才是整个跟踪狂问题的症结所在。That is the entire stalker problem right there.

事实上,他成为一个论坛版缠扰的东西。In fact, he's becoming something of an oped stalker.

小偷和跟踪狂的区别在哪里呢?What’s the difference between a prowler and a stalker?

在上午7.20,他听到了两声枪响,但是看不到猎手也看不到鹿。At 7.20am he heard two shots but could see neither stalker nor deer.

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加利福尼亚“午夜猎取者”可能与另外一宗谋杀案有关。California's night stalker killer may be linked to yet another murder.

暗夜魔王在夜色中如鱼得水,他的攻击和移动要比在白天快得多。The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly.

有犯罪企图的人,例如强盗、身份窃贼或跟踪狂?Someone with criminal intent, such as a burglar, identity thief or stalker?

追猎者是一种优秀的轻型支援单位,非常适合在游戏中用于早期骚扰。Stalker is a great light back-up unit that really is there for early game harassment.

诺拉这么做还招来了骚扰她的人,但是她仍旧分送自己的内裤。Nola has acquired a stalker as a result of her actions, but still distributes her panties.

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当湿滑潜魔离场时,将以此法移出游戏的牌在其拥有者的操控下移回场上。When Slithery Stalker leaves play, return the removed card to play under its owner's control.

对星灵有时会奏效,主要取决于星灵是否出了蹑踪者。Against protoss it worked sometimes, depending on whether the toss had gotten a stalker yet or not.

本剧开头的时候,她是个被宠坏的孩子,看起来挺可怜,而且跟踪希罗。In the beginning of the series, she is spoiled, seemingly pathetic and kind of a stalker for Heero.

但是,风浪声震耳欲聋——Dale和他的猎物都没能听到。The sound of the wind and waves, though, was deafening — neither the stalker nor his prey could hear.

一头巨鹿死掉了,躺倒在地——在清冷雾蒙蒙的早上被一个神秘的猎手在荒野山谷中射死的。A magnificent stag lies dead – shot by a mystery stalker in the cold, misty dawn of a moorland valley.

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这样跟踪者就没有机会接近你,这个小小的改变可以切实提高你的安全系数。It makes it harder for the stalker to have access to you, and that little act can actually increase your safety.

当湿滑潜魔进场时,将目标由对手操控的绿色或白色生物移出游戏。When Slithery Stalker comes into play, remove target green or white creature an opponent controls from the game.

这周,在帕里斯希尔顿家发现了一所谓的小偷。小偷和跟踪狂的区别在哪里呢?Paris Hilton had an alleged prowler at her house this week. What's the difference between a prowler and a stalker?