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这就是佛了。This is achieving Buddhahood.

每个人修行不就是为了成佛?Spiritual cultivation is for attaining Buddhahood.

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歌利王堕落了,我成就佛果了。King Kalinga degenerated, and I attained Buddhahood.

但最后终归是成佛的圣道。But these expedients too, will eventually lead to the path of Buddhahood.

一方面是究竟理想,最崇高目的是成佛。One is the ultimate ideal, the highest objective-attainment of Buddhahood.

它不能被去除或破坏,正好获得佛境界的觉悟。It cannot be cut off or destroyed, right up to the attainment of Buddhahood.

他们不附上因果报应的果实,而只是成佛的一个台阶。They are not attached to the fruits of karma, and are but one step from Buddhahood.

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修持此空行母法,能得无死虹身,毕竟成佛。People who cultivates with this method may obtain a rainbow body without death, finally obtain Buddhahood.

甚至誓愿度一切诋毁辱骂他的人比自己更早成佛。He even vowed to take across people who slandered him so that they would accomplish Buddhahood before he did.

阿弥陀佛怜悯我们的情况,发出他的本愿,为了要保证恶人将会成佛。Amida took pity on our condition and made his Primal Vow with the purpose of ensuring that evil people will attain buddhahood.

我一直在学习和修行,并且一直会继续下去,直到在阿弥陀佛净土上完全实现佛境。I’m still learning and practising and will continue to do so until full realisation of Buddhahood in Amitabha Buddha’s Pureland.

希望一切众生都能够闻到正法、依照佛法修学、早日圆成佛道。The Buddha's wish is for all sentient beings to hear the truth, practice accordingly and receive the benefits to attain Buddhahood.

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所谓“好心”出家者,就是真为了生死出家,真为解脱出家,真为成佛出家。World-renunciation with goodwill means to be a monastic aiming at emancipation from samsara and attainment of Buddhahood genuinely.

一生思想归结到念佛求净土之中。蕅益一生思想研究中最为关注的是禅、教、律。His lifetime thoughts came down to a method of chanting Buddha's name for seeking Buddhahood and paid close attention to Zen, Guidance and Vinaya.

就像纯净芬芳的荷花从污泥中长出,纯净的佛性之光也会从世俗激情的泥沼中长出。Just as the pure and fragrant lotus flower grows out of the mud, so from the mud of worldly passions springs the pure Enlightenment of Buddhahood.

当树精神,认识到婴儿的成佛的日子,他似乎从树干,瞻仰倍和他的手,崇拜的孩子。When the tree spirit recognizes the baby's Buddhahood to come, he appears from the trunk, and reverentially folds his hands, worshipping the child.

要学到抑制本能而不难受甚至反而宽心、舒心、开心,那就是修成了正果。We need to learn that when we restrain our instinct we are not painful, but we feel comfortable, and happy, and then we will achieve the Buddhahood.

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他是释迦牟尼佛随侍菩萨之一,为补处佛,接替释迦牟尼将来于娑婆世界成佛。He is one of the waiters of Shakyamuni Buddha. He is the complement Buddha. He will accomplish Buddhahood in this Saha world and replace Shakyamuni Buddha.

只要你们能帮我完成心愿,叫村民来此割我的肉维生,将来我若修行成道,首先要度的就是你们五个。As long as you can help me fulfill my wish by calling the villagers to take my flesh, the five of you will be the first to be saved when I attain Buddhahood.

因此菩萨把修成佛果作为最高目标,以希求帮助有情众生脱离苦海。For that reason, out of compassion wishing to alleviate the sufferings of all sentient beings, bodhisattvas seek as their final goal the omniscient state of buddhahood.