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蓝舌病的出现出乎意料,并可能再次发生。Bluetongue appeared out of the blue. And that could happen again.

蓝舌病发生于大多数家生的和野生的反刍动物。Bluetongue occurs in most species of ruminants, both domestic and wild.

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我们已经研制出了合适的疫苗对付入侵英国的蓝舌病病毒。We had the right vaccine to deal with the strain of bluetongue that hit Britain.

蓝舌病是绵羊、山羊,牛和野生反刍动物以节肢动物为媒介的一种病毒性疾病。Bluetongue is AN arthropod-borne viral disease of sheep, goats, cattle ANd wild ruminANts.

阿什顿的新的放大器确定一个新基调和音准。Ashton's new powerful bluetongue amplifiers set a new benchmark for tone and affordability.

卡他热是几类家禽呼吸性或口腔性疾病中的任何一种疾病,如马和羊的蓝舌病。Catarrhal fever is any of several respiratory or oral diseases of livestock such as bluetongue in horses and sheep.

他们还想知道其他的动物,比如巨蜥、蓝舌蜥是否也适用这种引导方法,不去捕食毒蛙。They would also like to see if other species such as goannas and bluetongue lizards could be taught not to eat cane toads.

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由于最近刚刚爆发的口蹄疫和蓝舌病病毒,这群驯鹿已被隔离。Just before Christmas this reindeer herd is grounded, due to recent outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease and Bluetongue virus.

举个典型的例子,如蓝舌病,这是一种由蠓传播的病毒,能感染牛、绵羊、鹿和山羊。A classic example is provided by bluetongue disease, a virus that affects cattle, sheep, deer and goats and is spread by midges.

随着血清学实验技术和生物工程技术的飞速发展,蓝舌病诊断技术的研究也不断取得新的进展。With the rapid development of serology experiments and bio-engineering technology, Bluetongue diagnosis has been made new progress in the study.

“问题是,像蓝舌病这样的疾病,随着气温上升,生命周期也随之加快,”纽伯里动物健康研究所的克里斯·大浦说道。"The problem is that the life cycles of diseases such as bluetongue speed up as temperatures go up, " said Dr Chris Oura, of the Institute for Animal Health in Newbury.

本发明在蓝舌病的诊断及进出口检验检疫领域中有具有较大的实际意义,应用前景广阔。The invention has greater practical significance in the field of the diagnosis of the bluetongue and the inspection and quarantine of import and export, thus having wide application prospects.