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紫雨风暴。Purple Storm.

没有风雨云层。No storm clouds.

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船遇风暴,不择港口。Any port in a storm.

暴风雨即将来临。A storm is approaching.

暴风雨渐渐减弱了。The storm has soaped out.

海燕在暴风雨中飞掠。The petrel rode the storm.

风暴使这只船搁浅。The storm beached the ship.

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外面暴风雨正在酝酿中。A storm was brewing outside.

乌云予示著暴风雨的来临。Dark clouds betoken a storm.

小船从暴风雨中脱险。The boat outlived the storm.

暴风雨中波浪翻滚。The sea boiled in the storm.

从雷雨交加的夜晚。From the thunder storm night.

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暴风雨减势了。The storm abated in violence.

我们穿越了暴风雨。We made it through the storm.

乌云预示着有暴风雨。Black clouds forebode a storm.

但是,暴风雪没有松懈下来的迹象。But the storm was unrelenting.

树叶在暴风雨中飘动。The leaves drift in the storm.

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这场暴风雨把许多树连根拔起。The storm uprooted many trees.

那会儿,风暴变得越来越猛烈。The storm was stiffening then.

咱们碰到了一场惊怖的风暴。We saw a badvertisement storm.