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对皮肤及眼睛有强烈的刺激性。It is strong irritative to skin and eyes.

刺激症状随着重复暴露而减轻。Irritative symptoms lessened with repeated exposures.

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本品具有腐蚀性。对皮肤及眼睛有强烈的刺激性。It is caustic, and it is strong irritative to skin and eyes.

小鼠骨髓微核试验结果为阴性,对皮肤无刺激性。The results of mouse bone marrow micronucleus test was negative. It was not irritative to skin.

皮肤刺激性实验表明其对豚鼠皮肤无刺激。Stimulation test showed that the spraying membrane had no irritative effect on the skin of guinea pig.

并结合具天然调节作用的海藻精华、大麦苗精华等,质地温和无刺激。Integrating with the natural algae essence and barley sprout essence, and so on, gentle and not irritative.

结果应用威驰搽剂对家兔的完整皮肤无刺激性,但对家兔的损伤皮肤有轻度刺激性。Results Wei-chi embrocation had no irritative reaction to intact skin, but has mild stimulation to injured skin.

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结果肾移植术后发生静脉炎与穿刺部位、留置时间长短、输入刺激性药物有关。Results The occurrence of phlebitis was related to puncture site, retaining time and the transfusion of irritative drugs.

这说明植物内生菌是导致松材线虫病的内因,松材线虫是激发因子之一。It suggested that endophyte of pine tree would be the main pathogenic factor of the disease, and PWN was one of irritative factors.

强酸,氨,有机溶液,氯,硫化氢,二氧化硫和溴也能引起刺激性支气管炎。Exposure to fumes from strong acids, ammonia, some organic solvents, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and bromine can also cause irritative bronchitis.

结果显示,该植物消毒剂对细菌繁殖体具有良好的杀菌效果,对皮肤粘膜无刺激性。The results indicated that this botanical disinfectant has good efficacy in killing vegetative form of bacteria and is not irritative to skin and mucous membrane.

用牙膏清洗衣领,不但可以轻松去除污垢,而且牙膏中所含的刺激性化学成份远远低于其它洗涤剂,不会让皮肤过敏。Using toothpaste to wash collars not only cleans them, but helps ward off skin allergies since toothpaste contains less irritative chemicals than other detergents.

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硫酸二甲酯是用来生产燃料和农药的物质。它对于人类的皮肤,眼睛和上呼吸道系统具有腐蚀和刺激作用。The dimethyl sulfate, a substance that is used to produce industrial dyes and pesticides, can be corrosive and irritative to human skin, eyes and the upper respiratory tract.

因此,该消毒剂属实际无毒级物质,对家兔眼黏膜、皮肤无刺激性,对皮肤致敏强度极轻。Therefore, this disinfectant belongs to actually non-toxic substance without irritative effect on mucosa of rabbit eye and skin and with very low intensity of skin sensitization.

感觉到这种污染空气的存在能引发被烦扰和不快的反应,即使污染排放量远远低于所规定的标准水平也会与一般的病症和行为变化联系在一起。The perception of this polluted air can trigger annoyance as well as irritative responses or even be associated with general symptoms and behavioral changes well below established guideline levels.

通过对家兔眼睛、多次皮肤刺激性实验及对小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验观察对人体的安全性。Multiple irritative experiments on eyes and skin of domestic rabbits and on micronucleus assay of polychromatic erythrocytes in mice bone marrow were carried out to observe the safety for human body.