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我打算写一首颂歌。I intended an ode.

这本是当作一个笑话的。It was intended as a joke.

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我要去找小小的加伊!I intended to look for Kay!

每一个词目的都是使用。Every word is intended for using.

埃达向我介绍了她的未婚夫。Ada introduced her intended to me.

她打算装扮成鬼的模样。She intended to dress up as a ghost.

这部著作试图填补一项空白。The work is intended to fill a void.

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具有预期或先见效果的。Having an intended or expected effect.

这部电影只供成年人观看。The movie is intended for adults only.

这种鞋是为了在冰上行走的。These are intended for walking on ice.

他们打算通宵欢宴。They intended to feast the night away.

我花的钱已超过我原来的计划了。I spent more money than I had intended.

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杰克想找个地缝钻进去。Jack intended to find a chink to infix.

拟于烹饪,道理是一样的。Intended to cooking, is the same reason.

但是,大水坝往往不按预期工作。But big dams tend not to work as intended.

我认为比尔是想伺机捞一把。I thought Bill intended to be on the grab.

我怀疑他们想把它演成一部闹剧。I wonder if it was intended to be a farce.

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见意在948就不要做了看段时间。See 948 not intended to be a watch period.

这本书是专为高中生设计的。This book is intended for senior students.

这本书是为5至7岁的儿童所写。The book is intended for children aged 5-7.