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用长矛刺戳。To pierce with a lance.

一声利响,长剑出鞘。A benefit rings, lance sheath.

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绑在上小狭长三角旗。A small pennon borne on a lance.

一段是与一张名叫朗斯的弓的恋情。One was with a bow, named Lance.

克里斯蒂·贝克尔下士,1月31日。Lance Cpl. Kristi Baker on Jan. 31.

我要和你辩论,一决胜负。I'll break a lance with you in argument.

兰斯说出一连串很亵下流的话。Lance let loose with a string of obscenities.

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你的顿时格斗不错嘛,先生,我提供你另一柄枪。You joust well, sir, I offer you another lance.

蒋和兰斯计划去唐人街观光。Jiang is planning a trip to Chinatown with Lance.

它确实是德国长矛的锋尖。It was in fact the spearpoint of the German lance.

一杆长枪在手,天下菊花归我有!A lance in hand, the world I have to chrysanthemum!

双流道氧枪的寿命已达到155炉。The life of double flow lance has reached 155 heats.

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结构平衡又有局部和整体的不同。Structual balance includes partial and overall ba- lance.

意大利重骑兵是装备板甲和骑枪的重装骑兵。Well equipped heavy cavalry with plate armour and a lance.

唐吉诃德又把他的甲胄修补好,并且弄来一支新的长矛。Don Quixote repaired his armour again, and got a new lance.

土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当。Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment.

我们得弄一支能扎死鱼的好长矛,经常放在船上。We must get a good killing lance and always have it on board.

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“冰枪”现受“元素专注”影响。"Ice Lance" is now correctly affected by "Elemental Precision".

兰斯和所有的女人调情,不管她们是胖是瘦。Lance flirts with all the ladies, whether they're slim or plump.

他用长矛刺穿了十字架上的耶酥,鲜血四流。Heused the lance to pierce on cross Ye to be crisp, blood four class.