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又及,请同时查收一些我在便利店找到的巧克力蚂蚁。Some chocolate-covered ants I found at the deli.

穿过街道,有一家年夜的意大利熟食店。There is a great Italian deli across the street.

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熟食店提供新鲜的烤面包,蛋糕,馅饼。Deli offers freshly-baked breads, cakes, and pies.

在熟食店,蛋挞全天有售。Tarts were available throughout the day in the deli.

他和其他人员正在开发一种能长时间存放的火腿熟食。He and others are working to produce a shelf-stable deli ham.

预包装好的熟食肉如果保持未开封,则有较长的货架期。Prepackaged deli meats have a long shelf life if they remain unopened.

五天原则同样适佣于从熟食店买回的切片肉。The five-day rule also applies to sliced meats purchased from the deli.

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又及,请同时查收一些我在便利店找到的巧克力蚂蚁。PS. Please find enclosed some chocolate-covered ants I found at the deli.

1948年夏天,在一次物理俱乐部组织的假日旅行中,我遇到了德利。During a vacation trip of a Physics Club I met Deli in the summer of 1948.

那好。可否请你到对面的熟食店,帮我买些东西吃?Good. How about going to the deli across the street and buying me some food?

还有凯宾美食廊为您烘焙好的最新鲜松软的面包和糕点,满足您对甜品的渴望。The deli bakes the freshest bread and pastries to satisfy guest's sweet tooth.

问当地的熟食店或餐馆要一些空的罐子,或重复使用大的泡菜坛。Ask a local deli or restaurant for their empty jars, or reuse a big pickle jar.

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1894年8月,法国税务司李约德在越南芒街被匪徒绑架。Yue Deli , a French tax official, was kidnapped in Vietnam in the August of 1894.

撑开一把雨伞并且走向13号和百老汇的街角一家熟食店。Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway.

德利肉类刚性木盆之一萨拉李最成功的包装创新。Deli meats in rigid tubs are one of Sara Lee's most successful packaging innovations.

喜欢炒的最爱,汉堡和热狗,肉丸,或熟食店三明治。Enjoy stir-fry favorites, burgers and hot dogs, meatballs, or a gourmet deli sandwich.

意式恰巴塔包抹法式大藏芥末夹火腿,瑞士芝士,生菜及西红柿。Deli ham, swiss cheese, lettuce and tomato with famous dijon mustard and ciabatta bread.

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或者你可以询问熟食店,问他们在切片和包装的时候是否会用蜡纸分装。Or ask your deli whether they'll separate them with paper when they slice and package them.

闫德利是假艾滋女,但谁能说乡村就没有这种真艾滋女?Yan Deli is false HIV-women, but who can say there is no such real HIV villages for a girl?

BPA也同样出现在塑料包装的食品中和一份熟食店的样品中。BPA is also present in products packaged in plastic and in one sample from the deli counter.