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因为呼吸困难而来门诊部求诊。Due to dyspnea , she was brought to our OPD.

因为他的呼吸困难,他被送入本医院急救。Due to his dyspnea , he was sent to our hospital for help.

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患者短期内出现发声嘶哑及呼吸困难。Hoarseness and dyspnea usually appeared in the early stage.

通气不足的主观特征是呼吸困难。The subjective feature of ventilatory inadequacy is dyspnea.

我们报告一位56岁男性,因严重呼吸困难而求诊。We report a 56 year-old man, who suffered from severe dyspnea.

结果6例临床表现为咳嗽、气急、呼吸困难和低氧血征。Results These 6 cases all had cough, progressive dyspnea and hypoxemia.

临床表现有劳力性呼吸困难、喘鸣等。Clinical presentation includes dyspnea at exertion, stridor, and wheezing.

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呼吸困难的原因可能是肺部疾病,循环系统疾病或者两者并存。The cause of dyspnea may be pulmonary disease, circulatory disease, or both.

我们报告一位18岁非抽烟的男性主诉运动时呼吸困难。We report an 18-year-old male non-smoker with the chief complaint of effort dyspnea.

EFL五分法与COPD患者的呼吸困难分级有很好的相关性。And there is good consistency between EFL and subjective dyspnea grade in COPD patients.

没有呼吸困难或哮鸣音,说明目前哮喘的急性发作。Patients without wheezing or dyspnea are not experiencing an exacerbation of their asthma.

一位53岁女性病患主诉在求诊前数个月开始出现咳嗽及呼吸困虽的情形。A 53-year-old woman complained of the cough and the dyspnea for months before consultation.

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结果10例患者11例肺大泡经介入治疗后,均一次性治愈,患者呼吸困难症状明显改善或消失。Results All 10 patients with 11 bullaes of the lung cured with dyspnea improved or resolved.

若不开刀治疗通常预后不良。我们报导一位55岁女性病人,其主述为活动时有气促情形。We present the case of a 55-year-old female who came to us complaining of exertional dyspnea.

目的观察呼吸困难对重度蜂蜇伤患者预后的影响。Objective To observe the effects of dyspnea on the prognosis of patients with severe bee sting.

呼吸系统主要表现为进行性呼吸困难和紫绀,最终导致呼吸衰竭而死亡。Respiratory mainly pro GREssive dyspnea and cyanosis, leading to respiratory failure and death.

本文报告一位石刻店老闆,因为咳嗽和劳动时呼吸困难到本院就诊。An owner of a stone shop presented symptoms of cough and exertional dyspnea in recent one month.

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我们遇到一个82岁男性病人因喘了一个多月前来求诊。We encountered an 82-year-old male patient who had suffered from progressive dyspnea for 1 month.

我们报告一位71岁罹患糖尿病男性,其主诉一个月来有气促现象。We present the case of a 71-year-old diabetic man who came to us complaining of dyspnea for 1 month.

并可向大脑释放噪音,增加大脑,心脏,眼球压力,还能使心脏呼吸困难。To the brain and the release of noise, increase the brain, heart, eye pressure, but also the heart dyspnea.