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下图是源自加拿大的一个有关CCS的网站。The diagram below is from a Canadian website on CCS.

关键是确保今后的燃煤发电厂使用碳捕获和封存技术。The key is to ensure that future coal plants are using CCS.

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中英和中欧于2005年和2006年先后签署了CCS合作谅解备忘录。That year, China signed with the UK the MOU on the CCS Cooperation.

管理人认为,这正会是华文学会筹委们的心情写照吧?The Manager believed that this could be CCS committees' mood portrayal?

CCS的概念在对抗全球变暖问题上是至关重要的。The concept of CCS is considered vital to the fight against global warming.

欧盟宣布,到2015年,它将建立10到12个CCS工厂。The European Union says it wants 10 to 12 commercial-scale CCS plants by 2015.

到2015年,欧盟计划10-12个CCS示范项目来巩固此行业。The EU plans 10-12 CCS demonstration projects by 2015 to kickstart the industry.

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使的所有的工程图面有一个可视化的参照。Provide clear visibility to all engineering drawings that refer to a PSCS or CCS.

其他一些国家如澳大利亚、英国和挪威也计划资助CCS项目。Australia, Britain and Norway, among others, also plan to help pay for CCS projects.

并结合船舶规范和陆用规范的相关要求,得到船检及供电部门的认可。And accord with marine rules and building rules. Also approval by CCS & power bureau.

在英国,CCS是政府反对二氧化碳的四大支柱策略之一。In the UK, CCS is one of the four "pillars" of the government's decarbonisation strategy.

本社对因申请方或他人的过错造成的损失不负责。CCS will not be liable for any loss due to any error of the applicant or any other person.

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完全符合中国船级社船用火灾报警控制器使用要求。This controller can reach the China CCS approval requirement for marine fire alarm system.

也许CCS最激动人心的部分就是其应用于“碳负极”发电厂的前景。Perhaps the most exciting element of CCS is the prospect of "carbon negative" power plants.

如其他方接受本审图服务产生的文件的内容导致的任何损害或损失,本社概不负责。CCS will not be liable for any damage or loss due to accepting such documents by any other party.

别忘记,主席也是初哥,也正一同地学习,想为华文学会出一份力。Don't forget that the President is also a beginner, he also learning, but he wants to strive for CCS.

根据米利班德四月份宣布的计划,所有的新煤电厂必须在部分工序上安装CCS。Under Miliband's plans announced in April, all new coal plants must fit CCS to part of the operation.

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接着,本文算法用一个级联分类器和一个SVM组成的两阶段分类模型来验证这些连通分量。Then, all CCs are verified by a 2-stage classification model composed by a cascade classifier and an SVM.

给即将寿命终了的电厂安装CCS设备可能会被证明太困难也太昂贵。It will probably prove too difficult and expensive to fit CCS to plants nearing the end of their lifespan.

英国正在带动着欧盟近零排放煤炭计划,帮助中国发展CCS示范工厂。The UK is leading the EU Near-Zero Emissions Coal initiative helping to develop CCS demonstration in China.