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我将实现自己最终的价值。I will finally actualize my value of life.

我很想实现自我潜能来为它添色。I want to actualize my potentiality to add to its color.

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实现自己所有的潜力也总是很棒的。It's always great to actualize all the potential you have.

我们有相似的梦想,但是实现的方式可以不同。We have same dream but we can actualize them in different ways.

本文首先介绍了串行嵌入式零树算法的实现过程。First of all, how to actualize serial EZW algorithm is introduced.

我们必需唤起人们对太阳镜的需求,并建破这样一个消费市场。We have to build demand for our proaqueduct and actualize a market.

为了实现目标,你需要按照以下步骤进行In order to actualize your goals, you need to take the following steps

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实施作为行政许可的中间环节,也是最根本、最重要的中心环节。Actualize is regard as the middle link and also the fundamental and vital link.

最后应用ADAMS软件实现了单体液压支柱的动力学仿真分析。At last use ADAMS soft to actualize dynamics emulate analysis of single hydraulic prop.

但人总是要为完成他的意图,而目标则是为了实现他的梦想。But one must then work it into Purpose and then Goals in order to actualize your Dreams.

最后,文章提出了对电子商务在企业中的应用展望。Finally, the paper bring prospect for the enterprise actualize E-commerce in the future.

处于压力下的人容易实现自己的个人价值,而这正是人生的目的。People under stress tend to actualize their own personal worth-the very aim of a human life.

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一切都取决于2011年上半年,他们能将事情实现到什么程度。Everything will depend to which extent they managed to actualize things in the first half of 2011.

实现了对微机保护中各种参数的监控、保护。Actualize monitor-control and protect all sorts of parameters in the mini-computer protection system.

发展循环经济是青岛市实施可持续发展战略的必然选择。Develop ciculareconomy is the inevitable choice to actualize the strategy of sustainable development.

本文从竞争分析的角度论述了该如何实行反竞争情报。This article states how to actualize the counterintelligence in the view of the competitive analysis.

佛教探索了人类在世间的位置与意义,重视生命价值的实现。Buddhist probe into the status and meaning of people in the world, and actualize the worthiness of life.

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分步实施,走特色化发展道路是学科建设的重要策略之一。To actualize plan in step and to develop the characteristic discipline is one of the important strategies.

所有众生皆可证入法,那样的境界是完全清净的。All sentient beings have the ability to realize and actualize the Dharma, a completely pure state of being.

可以发布自身产品和技术的解决方案和基于解决方案实施中具体的产品的应用案例。It also offers the solution to productions and technology, and the idiographic cases in the actualize process.