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随我回府吧。Return to mansion with me.

现在就回府做去。Now return to mansion to do.

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我的朋友住在公寓大里。My friend lives in a mansion.

处身在太阳建立的大厦。In this mansion built by the sun.

他根本就没有进过木府。He never went inside Mufu Mansion.

我在那座大厦住了两个晚上。I spent two nights in the mansion.

这大厦四周的庭园广阔。The mansion has extensive grounds.

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在高高的云端上拥有一栋华厦。Have a mansion high above the clouds.

袁公馆对面冯国璋的大宅。Feng mansion opposite the Yuan mansion.

他给我显示了大厦的模型。He showed me the miniature of the mansion.

从尉迟府散发出来的。The late mansion sends ahead from the Wei.

在青春欢乐盛装的上光白石华屋中。In polished white mansion of stone, Maggie.

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他在海边拥有一幢大别墅。He possessed a large mansion by teh seaside.

这座大厦的正门看上去富丽堂皇。The portal of the mansion looks magnificent.

大哥!这是南油大厦!你不要乱讲好不?This is Nanyou mansion but not Nanyou Hotel!

这里就是清代的两江总督署。This was the Liang Jiang Governor's Mansion.

这座新的邸宅已经开始动工修建了。Construction of this new mansion has started.

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他亲自领我们到大厦各处参观。He conducted as personally through the mansion.

可惜的是,这座公馆现在没法在地图中找到。Sadly, the mansion nowadays is found on no map.

哈尔滨的两个冰壶馆的具体地址?Two curling mansion specific address of Harbin?