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古兰经则彻底批判利息,他们说,利息貌似是生意,但上帝许你做生意不许你收利息。The Koran damns interest outright

兰经是伊斯兰教徒的圣书。The Koran is the sacred book of the Muslims.

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听取古人的建议,读圣经,古兰经。Takin elder advice, read the Bible, the Koran.

圣经和可兰经都是宗教性著作。SACRED】The Bible and Koran are sacred writings.

黄金分割的奇迹也存在于古兰经中关于麦加的章节里。The Golden Mean Miracle is in the Mecca Verse of the Koran.

换个说法,为什么说是圣经而非可兰经才是来自上帝言语的启示?Or that the Bible rather than the Koran is the revelation of God’s own words?

土耳其虔诚的生产者喜欢古兰经中推崇诚实交易的教义。Turkey’s pious producers like the bits in the Koran that favour honest trading.

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所有穆斯林都认为是上帝书写了可兰经,而且天堂上还放着一本可兰经。All Muslims believe that God authored the Koran and a copy of the Koran isin heaven.

恐怖,杀戮,斩首和古兰经中的憎恨都是他们所接受的教条。The horror, killings, beheadings and abominations of the Koran is the accepted creed.

以上四种颜色为泛阿拉伯色,白色七角星象征古兰经。The above four color for pan-arab colors, white seven horns stars symbolize the Koran.

一个穆斯林朝圣者在一年一度的朝觐读取11月11日,2010年摩铝努尔可兰经。A Muslim pilgrim reads the Koran at Mount Al-Noor during the annual Hajj on November 11, 2010.

生活在耶路撒冷图片。在老城,男人祈祷和学习古兰经在阿克萨清真寺,一个神圣的场所给穆斯林。In the Old City, men pray and study the Koran in the Al Aqsa mosque, a sacred site for Muslims.

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下午钟响的时分,大部分学生就一头栽进伊斯兰神学院研习古兰经。When the bell goes in mid-afternoon, most pupils head straight to a madrassa to learn the Koran.

还有可兰经是伊斯兰教的圣典,就好像圣经之于基督教,佛经之于佛教一样。And the Koran is the scripture of Islamite, just like Christianism with Bible or Buddhism with Sutra.

他们的反对者认为,这一概念的建立古兰经有损于它的性质是上帝的讲话。Their opponents felt that the notion of a created Koran detracted from its character as God's own speech.

我经常会手拿一本古兰经,静静地站在背后,仔细核对他的背诵。I would stand quietly in the background, often with a Koran in my hand, checking his recitation carefully.

通常的指控提起兰教授认为,妇女没有灵魂是没有根据的。The accusation often brought against the Koran that it teaches that women have no souls is without foundation.

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他最喜欢的书是古兰经,所以有时候父亲会以逐字背诵古兰经的方式来娱乐那些挑战他的人。His favorite book was the Koran, so on occasion he would entertain those who would ask by reciting the Koran word for word.

复杂的艺术品,诗歌,散文,和一段文章从可兰经装饰圆柱在阿富汗赫拉特星期五清真寺。Intricate artwork, poetry, prose, and a passage from the Koran decorate columns in the Friday mosque in Herat, Afghanistan.

当时,特遣部队已经花了好几周去观察一个穆斯林学校,因为美国军队认为这位基地指挥官和他的几名助手都住在那儿。The unit had spent weeks watching a Koran school in which the Americans believed the al-Qaida man and several aides were living.