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我的最爱你啊,到底在哪里?Where are you my beloved?

刘湛秋的爱妻。Beloved wife of Liuzhanqiu.

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如此喜悦的面容。No countenances so beloved.

这就是我深爱的家乡。There is my beloved hometown.

愿苍天保佑我所深爱的姐姐!Heaven bless my beloved sister!

郭很难被广泛地喜爱。Guo is hardly universally beloved.

还有我心爱的恋人温柔的呼唤声。And the tender voice of my beloved.

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我深深的怀念敬爱的罗瑞卿将军!I deeply miss the beloved Luo general!

何日平胡虏,良人罢远征。He day Hulu, beloved strike expedition.

我爱新校园里敬爱的老师们。I love the new campus beloved teachers.

分享你喜欢的音乐和影像。Share your beloved pictorials and music.

关山戎马英雄心,魂牵梦萦女儿情。Military hero of heart, beloved daughter.

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这老人像妈妈带孩子一样饲养他心爱的鸽子。The old man mothered his beloved pigeons.

因为你深爱的他是一个如此心高气傲的人。Because your beloved is so proud a person.

你用正念拥抱你的所爱。You embrace your beloved with mindfulness.

在门缝里,偷望着她拉着心爱的小提琴。He peeks she is playing the beloved violin.

她心爱的饰针找不到了。Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found.

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她说她的爱女令她骄傲。She said her beloved daughter was her pride.

她盼着心上人早日归来。She longs for the early return of her beloved.

所有的赞美全归可爱的印度总理!All the praise to the most beloved PM of India!