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这个盆子是铁做的。This basin is made of iron.

我有几分一盆含羞草。I kind of a basin of mimosa.

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衡阳盆地南高北低。North-South Hengyang basin low.

水由盆中溢出来了。The water spilt from the basin.

鸡区一个新水盆。A new basin in the chicken area.

柴达木盆地太阳能光辐站Qaidam Basin Solar PV Installaton

挖泥船仍然停泊在小湾中。The dredge sat in the boat basin.

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请把它放回杯架。Put your cups in the basin please.

然后朝洗脸池走去。And then he went to the wash basin.

大牛,你看这陶盆。Daniel, look at this pottery basin.

他把杯子都放在水盆之中。He submerged the cups in the basin.

她把面粉倒进盆内。She tipped the flour into the basin.

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这个盆是用合成树脂做的。The basin is made of synthetic resin.

另一盆水当头浇下!Another basin of water irrigated down!

我把孩子放在塑料盆里洗澡。I bathed the child in a plastic basin.

我可以用你的脸盆吗——当然可以。Can I use your basin of course, you can.

水虎是亚马逊盆地的特产。Piranhas are endemic to the Amazon basin.

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请漱一下口,吐到盆子里。Rinse your mouth and spit into the basin.

我想是这样的。在这里。在洗脸盆旁边。I think so. Here it is. It's by the basin.

凝灰岩充填着整个盆地。The tuffaceous blanketed the entire basin.