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我是加雷斯·米切尔。I am Gareth Mitchell.

你好,我的名字是加雷思,我27岁,我住在英国。Hello my name is Gareth i'm 27 and i live in England.

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说话口吃的名人包括偶像派明星加雷思·盖茨。Celebrity stammerers include pop idol star Gareth Gates.

加雷思有评判的权利,但是换做是他就能做得更好吗?Gareth can criticize but would he do any better himself?

贝尔为南安普顿出场45次,并有5粒进球。Gareth made 45 appearances for Southampton, scoring five goals.

经过数周的竞争,是该决定莎拉和加雷思胜负的时候了。After weeks of competition, it's decision time for Sara and Gareth.

我们自己队内的弗兰克兰帕德以419场位居第八名,七场落后于索斯盖特。Our own Frank Lampard on 419 sits in 8th, 7 behind Gareth Southgate.

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汇丰银行香港发言人加雷思·休伊特对此拒绝发表言论。Gareth Hewett, a spokesman at HSBC in Hong Kong, declined to comment.

热刺队中场球员加雷斯·贝尔也在场边观战。Spurs midfielder Gareth Bale was also courtside to take in the action.

盖利斯咳嗽了一下,清了清喉咙,瞥了魔手一眼。GARETH coughed, cleared his throat, and cast the Hand a sidelong glance.

我和贝尔离开之前,我们把自己的名字签在房间的墙上。Before Gareth Bale and I left we signed our names on the wall of our room.

汤姆,我发现了一件事。你很有信心自己一定可以结婚么。假使你没能碰上心上人,那又怎么办?If we can't be like Gareth and Matthew, then maybe we should just let it go.

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声明说,加雷和昂格尔12日在阿根廷国防部举行会晤。The statement said Gareth Unger and 12 in Argentina to meet Department of Defense.

加里斯-贝尔是热刺能有现在的状况的主要问题。Tottenham . Gareth Bale is the main reason why Tottenham are where they are today.

即使是巴里和米尔纳那时候,他们也没有使用到这么绝情的一招。Neither Gareth Barry nor James Milner had felt the need to take that course of action.

他帮助球队引进了贝尔巴托夫,摩德里奇和贝尔等青年才俊。He helped bring the likes of Gareth Bale, Luka Modric and Dimitar Berbatov to Tottenham.

四人中第一个面对挑战的是功成名就、众所瞩目的足球队队长加雷思·琼斯。First of the four to face the music is football captain and focused achiever Gareth Jones.

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巴里和理查兹从腿伤中复出,全队受到了很大的鼓舞。They are boosted by the return of Gareth Barry and Micah Richards from hamstring injuries.

乔·科尔,杰拉德,巴里,卡里克——这些国脚非常出色。Joe Cole, Steven Gerrard, Gareth Barry, Michael Carrick – internationals with excellent ability.

由于加雷斯·贝尔本赛季在托特纳姆热刺队的华丽表现,他已经获得了英超职业球员联盟年度最佳球员的称号。Gareth Bale has been named the PFA Player of the Year after the season he has enjoyed with Tottenham.