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比现在的差额多一倍多。That is more than double the current shortfall.

十二五规划必须要立即应对这一问题。China's new Plan must rectify this shortfall immediately.

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言下之意是客户资金不存在真正意义上的亏空。The implication was that there was no meaningful shortfall in client funds.

不过克兰西说,可以正面地利用关于援助不足的消息。Clancy however says the announcement of the shortfall could be used positively.

家庭信托随后起诉复莱明,索两者差价及利息。The Family Trust then sued the Flemings for the shortfall on the sale and interest.

这一潜在的资本金缺口是压低中资银行股价的主要因素。The potential capital shortfall is a major factor pushing down Chinese bank stocks.

可是,尽管联邦政府提供了一些资助,但相对于资金缺口来说也是杯水车薪。But while some aid has been provided, it has made up only a fraction of the shortfall.

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李女士说,人口统计学家预测,到2017年德国会出现20万工程师的职位空缺。By 2017, demographerspredict a shortfall of 200, 000 engineers in Germany, Ms. Lee says.

报告称石油产量将提高到1.03亿桶,而生物燃料将补足石油不足的缺口。Oil production will rise to 103m barrels, it says, and biofuels will make up the shortfall.

但是,如果有足够多的银行卷入麻烦,政府将会面临大量赤字。But if enough banks got into trouble, the government would be on the hook for any shortfall.

通常,死后捐赠器官属于中国传统上的禁忌,因此令器官短缺问题更为严重。The organ shortfall is compounded by traditional taboos against becoming a posthumous donor.

可是,我们并不鼓励消费融资来解决不足。However, we're not going to close the shortfall by encouraging debt-financed consumer spending.

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过氧化氢酶量不足意味着头发中的双氧水不能被有效分解掉。That catalase shortfall means that the hydrogen peroxide that naturally occurs in hair can't be broken down.

当地资金支出的短缺意味着国外捐资人在这些战乱国家变得尤为重要。This shortfall in local expenditure means that foreign donors become particularly relevant in the case of CAFS.

商用超高频载荷是其中解决方案之一,以减轻超高频的能力不足问题。A commercially hosted UHF payload was one of the solutions described to mitigate the shortfall in UHF capability.

接近退休年龄的人们要存更多钱是由于他们可以弥补差额的时间只有几年。Those closer to retirement will have to save more because they have fewer years in which to make up the shortfall.

我国的电力供求虽然处于基本平衡状态,但从长期看供给缺额的压力仍大。Although Chinas power supply and demand balance in the basic state, but in the long term shortfall of supply pressure.

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后续的迟滞最终迫使该航空公司追加购买了第二批波音737NG飞机的起落架来补救。The subsequent delay eventually forced the airline to purchase a second ship-set of 737NG gears to cover the shortfall.

如果国家没有充足的储备金,如果税收收入下降,那就必须通过援助来获得短缺资金。Where countries do not have adequate reserves and where revenues have fallen, the shortfall will have to come from aid.

债市人士预计,本财年日债发行量会再增5万亿日圆,作填补资金空缺之用.Bond market players expect JGB issuance to rise by another 5 trillion yen or so this fiscal year to cover the shortfall.