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这种对比让中国官员大动肝火。The comparisons infuriate Chinese officials.

他的观点将会棘突主流的历史学家。His view will infuriate mainstream historians.

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这是最容易激起球员、教练/球队经理以及球迷们不爽的规则。The rule most likely to infuriate players, managers and fans alike.

类似的驾驶行为导致走走停停的交通堵塞又反过来会激怒驾驶人员。Such behaviour leads to the stop-start traffic jams which infuriate motorists.

当我们提醒他们,我们的愤怒,我们的上帝真信与坚定。We infuriate them when we remind them of our Lord's true and steadfast faithfulness.

Geithner的职工发现此举可能激怒华盛顿的每个人。Then Geithner's staff made the discovery that would infuriate nearly everyone in Washington.

南美一位大使夫人说起话来腔调象个小女孩,把夏洛蒂气得要命。The wife of a South American ambassador said in a little-girlish tone which infuriate Charlotte.

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而卡斯特罗的矍铄之容很有可能会激怒从古巴逃亡到美国迈阿密的流亡者们,他们将卡斯特罗视作毁灭古巴的暴君。The image is likely to infuriate Miami exiles who consider Castro a tyrant who ruined the island.

它公开表示正在考虑撤出中国这件事本身,也有可能激怒中国当局。Even the public suggestion that it is considering such a move is likely to infuriate Chinese authorities.

他们同样激怒了风险投资者,那些风投者声称这些管制是对美国创业人才的掠夺。And they infuriate venture capitalists, who claim the controls are robbing America of entrepreneurial talent.

很多模特学会了在脚趾间注射毒品,因为如果在身体其他地方注射,会被服装师骂得狗血淋头。Many models have learned to inject drugs between their toes, the only place that won't infuriate the stylist.

它们会提出一堆解释让读者自己判断哪个是正确的,令人大为光火。They infuriate word sticklers by presenting a variety of usages and leaving the reader to decide which is correct.

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她害怕流露真情实感,所以做出引人瞩目的举动,提醒或激怒父母。She's afraid to express her true feelings so she resorts to attention-getting behaviors that alarm and infuriate her parents.

互联网对报纸几十年来赖以生存的价值链的随意破坏似乎使他困惑和愤怒。The internet's casual destruction of the value chains by which newspapers have made money for decades seems to puzzle and infuriate him.

不过,吉安-阿萨莫阿的进球还是打破了罗马门将多尼的金身。此前,巴西人在首都已经保持了连续590分钟不失球。However, the Gyan Asamoah goal did infuriate goalkeeper Alexander Doni seeing as he had gone 590 minutes without conceding in the capital.

若人民币还是像蜗牛这般缓慢爬升,将激怒美国议员,虽然他们欢迎中国转变政策,但他们希望中国政府之后能采取实实在在的行动.A repeat of that snail's pace of climb will infuriate U.S. lawmakers who, while welcoming China's policy shift, want to see words followed by deeds.

热衷于天才表演的巴西球迷很快就为他的盘带、假动作和虚晃钦慕不已,而这些绝技,连最好的后卫也会恼羞成怒。Flair-loving Brazilian supporters quickly came to adore his selection of dribbles, feints and shimmies, which could infuriate even the best of defenders.

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他还希望解除日本二战后和平宪法在军事方面的限制,这一举动更加惹怒了中国和韩国。He also wants to ease the restraints of Japan's post-World War Two pacifistconstitution on the military, a move also likely to infuriate China and SouthKorea.

即使谷歌可以保持安卓系统的开放性,但是如果谷歌制造一款有铃声和口哨声的特殊手机,还是会激怒其目前制造商合作伙伴。And even though Google could keep Android as an "open" platform, a special phone with bells and whistles could still infuriate its current manufacturing partners.

这段短片将触怒一些正在为伊拉克和阿富汗战争积极设法招募穆斯林情报和翻译人员的军队首领。The film will infuriate army chiefs, who are actively trying to recruit Muslims as intelligence officers and translators for the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.