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是的,我曾去科罗拉多河上漂流过。Yes. I've kayaked on the Colorado River.

马宏与他在科罗拉多州的前妻通了电话。Mahone calls his ex-wife Pam in Colorado.

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这个研究选在科罗拉多的普韦布洛进行。The study took place in Pueblo, Colorado.

Packer被称为卡罗拉多的食人者。Packer is called the cannibal of Colorado.

记得我们一起去科罗拉多州吗?Remember our trip up to Colorado?-Shut up.

科罗拉多可吸入颗粒污染排名第十二。Colorado also ranks 12th in particle pollution.

我来自美国,现在我住在科罗拉多州的丹佛市。I am from the U. S. I live in Denver, Colorado.

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在科罗拉多州丹佛市虐待老鼠是违法的。It is illegal to mistreat rats in Denver, Colorado.

总部设在美国的科罗多拉洲。Its headquarters are in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

她返回科罗拉多老家时变得畏缩恐惧。She returned home to Colorado cowering and fearful.

水牛以前常常自由自在地在科罗拉多平原上漫步。Buffalos used to roam freely on the Colorado Plains.

科罗拉多市被称作“西部钢城”。Colorado has been called the steel city of the west.

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科罗拉多队的文森特·里内转身上篮得分。Vincent Rainey of Colorado scores with a reverse lay-up.

远离科罗拉多河咆哮声的喧嚣,得享一池宁静。Beyond the roar of the Colorado River, a pool of silence.

九月九日,扎齐从科罗拉多驱车返回纽约。On September 9th he drove from Colorado to New York City.

让自由之声响彻科罗拉多州冰雪覆盖的落矶山!Let freedom ring from the snow capped Rockies of Colorado.

让自由之声从科罗拉多州冰雪覆盖的洛基山响起来!Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.

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让自由的声音从科罗拉多州冰雪覆盖的落基山脉响起吧!Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.

让自由之声响彻科罗拉多州冰雪覆盖的落矶山!Let freedom ring from the snow­capped Rockies of Colorado.

格里利美国科罗拉多州中北部一城市,位于丹佛东北偏北。A city of north-central Colorado north-northeast of Denver.