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果酱馅饼Pop tart.

我仍然经常梦到那种馅饼。I still dream of that tart.

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我可以装进一块蜂蜜馅饼。I could put in a honey tart.

这蛋塔真好吃啊。The egg tart is very delicious.

她把果馅饼很快地放进烤箱里。She popped the tart into the oven.

这棵树结的果子都很酸。This tree runs to quite tart fruit.

东亚地区的酸的黄的象浆果的水果。East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit.

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请问你需要来一个蛋塔试试吗?Do you need to come to an egg tart to try?

那可是个为巧克力馅饼而设的地方。It was just the place for that chocolate tart.

它源自贝克韦尔小镇。The tart originates from the town of Bakewell.

这种茶配上这种重口味的柠檬塔非常完美。The tea goes with this tangy lemon tart perfectly.

我想让自己做的馅饼吃着和看着一样出色。I wanted to make my tart taste as good as it looked.

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现在很多人撕开和工作在非常酸的建筑。Many people now rive and work in very tart buildings.

“她是个规矩的好妞儿,”他赞赏地说。She's a fine decent tart , he said with appreciation.

比如买些做好的蛋挞壳、调好比例的蛋糕粉或冷冻的馅饼皮。Buy pre-made tart shells, cake mixes or frozen pastries.

这是最好的组装此蛋塔的同一天,服务。It is best to assemble this tart the same day as serving.

舌质紫暗或淡紫,苔薄,脉涩无力。Tongue dark purple or lilac, moss thin, tart unable veins.

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班上的每一个傢伙都认为自己爱上了那个小骚货。Every guy in class thinks he's in love with that little tart.

用山莓可以充当抗氧化剂,并且增加酸酸的味道。Top with raspberries for added antioxidants and a tart flavor.

就像所有最好的食物一样,奶油蛋挞的制作很简单。Like all the best foods, the custard tart is simplicity itself.