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据报道利物浦一月份希望引进达伽马的新星尼尔顿。Liverpool are poised for a January move for Vasco da Gama starlet Nilton.

达伽马和哥伦布扩大了人们认识的世界,哥白尼则扩大了宇宙的范畴。Vasco da Gama and Columbus enlarged the world, and Copernicus enlarged the heavens.

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方法采用立体定向伽玛射线体部治疗系统治疗82例肝癌患者。Methods 82 patients were treated with stereotactic Gama Ray Body Therapeutic System.

伽马表示,葡萄牙各党派都支持葡中发展友好关系。Gama indicated that all Portuguese parties support both sides to develop friendly relations.

2010年11月6日,国家主席胡锦涛在里斯本会见了葡萄牙议长伽马。On November 6, 2010, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with Portuguese parliament speaker Jaime Gama in Lisbon.

2005年12月9日,国务院总理温家宝在里斯本会见了葡萄牙议长伽马。On December 9, 2005, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council met with Portuguese Parliament Speaker Jaime Gama in Lisbon.

达伽马是著名的葡萄牙航海家,在1497年至1498年间他发现了绕过好望角去印度的航线。Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese navigator, who discovered the route to India round the Cape of Good Hope between the year of 1497 and 1498.

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正是达*伽玛将这些珍贵的物种带到了欧洲,而当中的多数老水手也将这些种子带到遥远的大洋彼岸去栽种。It was da Gama who succeeded in bringing the treasured spices to Europe and most of the ancient mariners took seeds to plant on distant shores.

这位克罗地亚前锋希望在将来一天回到巴西,为他童年时的偶像球队瓦斯科·达迦马效力,但是他希望自己能在萨格勒布迪纳摩结束自己的职业生涯。The Croatian striker is keen to one day return to Brazil and play for boyhood heroes Vasco da Gama — but wants to end his career at Dinamo Zagreb.

巴西国内公认穆里奇是一位才华横溢的青年球星,他曾被租借到巴西的达伽马、阿瓦伊等许多豪门俱乐部效力。Muriqui is considered a young talented player in Brazil and has been loaned to several higher-level Brazilian clubs including Vasco da Gama and Avai.

最后,给出了将GAMA应用于DNA多序列比对的算例,实验结果验证了本算法的可行性。This paper present an example of applying GAMA to DNA multiple-sequence alignment, the experiment results validate the feasibility of this algorithm.

当他9岁的时候,他父亲第一次带他去马拉卡纳体育场观看了他的偶像与瓦斯克。达。Zico was Ronaldo's idol. When Ronaldo was 9 years old, his father took him to watch his idol the first time playing against Vasco da Gama at Maracana stadium.

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GAMA微波技术公司执行总监安德鲁斯先生说,使用者可“调节”无线电频率,使加热任何一种小食品都达到最佳效果。Mr.Andrews, the managing director of GAMA Microwave Technology, said it is possible to “tune” the radio-frequencies to provide the best results with any small product.

做为地区最佳球队,特区联队夺得1998年中北美洲及加勒比地区足联俱乐部冠军杯,进而击败南美冠军巴西瓦斯科达伽马队,捧起洲际杯。D. C. won the 1998 CONCACAF Champion's Cup as the best club in the region and went on to defeat South American Champion Vasco de Gama of Brazil to win the Intercontinental Cup.

葡萄牙议会同中国全国人大和政协有着很好的交往。The Portuguese parliament has maintained good contacts and exchanges with the National People's Congress of China and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Gama said.

这位达伽马中场新星引起了主帅拉法的极大兴趣,看起来拉法在下一个转会窗口签入尼尔顿已经是事在必行了。The Vasco da Gama midfielder is attracting plenty of interest from Reds boss Rafael Benitez and it looks certain that the Spanish tactician will make a move in the next transfer window.

其对手中不乏大腕,包括有德国拜耳勒沃库森、墨西哥美洲俱乐部队、图鲁卡和UNAM彪马、巴西瓦斯科达伽马、阿根廷博卡青年队。The list of clubs is an impressive one, including Germany's Bayer Leverkusen, Mexico's Club America, Toluca, and UNAM Pumas , Vasco da Gama of Brazil, and Argentina's Boca Juniors among others.