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那里也许是极化自转标度在LNB饲料垫铁喉头。There may be polarisation rotation scale on the LNB feed horn throat.

它们促成了社会的两极分化,提高了健康风险。And they contribute to social polarisation and increased health risks.

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地峡对于意识形态的争论不休和对政治持怀疑态度。The isthmus seethes with ideological polarisation and political mistrust.

面对卫星,顺时针极化是正面,阴性反时针。Facing the satellite, clockwise polarisation is positive, negative is anticlockwise.

电介体极化是一种泡沫合格性领域中一种新的测量参数。Dielectric polarisation is a new measuring parameter in the field of foam qualification.

基尼系数衡量一个给定社会财富及收入两级化的程度。The Gini coefficient measures the degree of polarisation of wealth and income in any given society.

他还说,“目前的内容主要是经济滑坡和失业率增加,这正导向两极分化。The present context is one of economic downturn and growing unemployment, which is leading to polarisation.

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然而传统的中继器会破坏光子的量子形态,正如时他们的水平面发生偏振。But a traditional repeater destroys the quantum states of the photons, such as their planes of polarisation.

然而传统的中继器会破坏光子的量子形态,正如时他们的水平面发生偏振。But a traditional repeater destroys the quantum states of the photons, such as their planes of polarisation.

天线能被固定在重力的中心而没有任何碰撞,在极化变化期间。Antenna can be fixed in the center of gravity without any collision with the AM 9144 during polarisation change.

肯尼亚有大量的年轻人,包括那些从商的年轻人,可以说他们会为了避免民族两级分化而不惜誓死一战。There are plenty of younger Kenyans, including those in business, who are desperate to avoid tribal polarisation.

Obama在国会的仪式的盛况丝毫不能掩饰华盛顿分裂的现状。All the pomp and ceremony attached to such events could not disguise the extent of the polarisation in Washington.

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Laurent和其合作者研究了不同能量射线的不同偏振,但是没有一个在计算数据的误差范围内。Dr Laurent and colleagues searched for differences in the polarisation at different energies, but found none to the accuracy limits of the data.

通过金纳米棒,古明和他的同事们增加了另外两维空间,一个基于色谱,另一个基于极化。By using gold nanorods Gu and colleagues were able to add two additional dimensions, one based on the colour spectrum, and the other on polarisation.

本文介绍了利用普通单模光导纤维弯曲产生的双折射效应而研制成的频率偏移装置和偏振控制装置。A frequency shifter and a polarisation controller are described in this paper, which are based on birefringence induced by bending ordinary single-mode fibre.

高能伽马射线比低能量射线弯曲的更厉害,而偏振的不同可被用来推测微粒大小。High-energy gamma rays should be twisted more than the lower energy ones, and the difference in the polarisation can be used to estimate the size of the grains.

哈梅内伊先生认为现任总统很忠诚且在思想上是很好的同盟,然而对政治的极化对其伊斯兰政权的危险,哈梅内伊先生也同样十分敏感。Mr Khamenei sees the incumbent president as a loyalist and ideological ally, yet is also sensitive to the danger that political polarisation poses to his Islamic regime.

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因此,我们尝试应用新的血清学技术,如荧光偏振免疫检测,来识别个别已受感染但对传统检测不起反应的牲口。We therefore sought to apply novel serological techniques, such as fluorescence polarisation assay could identify infected individuals that were non-reactors in the conventional tests.

从“占领华尔街”的帐篷到乔治敦的围炉边,抗议的哭喊声愈演愈烈,而政党之间意识形态的两极化更导致了无代表选民的大量增加。From the tents of Occupy Wall Street to the firesides of Georgetown the cry goes up that the ideological polarisation of the political parties leaves the great bulk of the electorate unrepresented.