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当荧光呼拉圈遭遇爪哇加麦兰。Glowing hula hoop meets Javanese Gamelan.

一位扛着货物的爪哇农民穿过一片米田。Javanese farmer carries his load through the rice paddies.

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接下来是一个三人组合表演传统乐器爪哇加麦兰。This group is playing a traditional instrument called Javanese Gamelan.

独立后的印尼出现了权力真空,爪哇人掌管了军事权力。A power vacuum ensued and the Javanese were able to take over militarily.

正房叫作是爪哇鸟的巢,其中一个最优秀的品质在世界上。Burung are Javanese bird's nests, and one of the finest qualities in the world.

聚集在一起的爪哇人越来越多。More and more young Javanese gathered together and walked slowly through the night.

正房叫作是爪哇鸟的巢,其中一个最优秀的品质在世界上。Sarang Burung are Javanese bird's nests , and one of the finest qualities in the world.

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演奏了数年爪哇佳美兰,并为其创作了一些作品。She has played Javanese gamelan for many years and has composed several compositions using these instruments.

早年的时候,阿拉伯人、印度人、爪哇人、波亚尼人和马来人都来到这里。Back in the old days, all the Arabs and the Indians and the Javanese and the Boyanese and the Malays came here.

一名现在在南梦安县教中文的爪哇族老师就曾被迫在1997年的教堂组织里暗中学习中文。One Javanese man who now teaches Chinese in Lamongan had to study the language secretly in a church group in 1997.

去年五月,在越南南部的一个保护区,人们发现一只爪哇犀牛的尸体,它是这个国家最后的60头爪哇犀牛之一,偷猎者取下了倍受追捧的犀牛角。Last May one of the country’s last 60 Javanese rhinoceroses was found dead in a reserve in southern Vietnam, its sought-after horns removed by poachers.

2006年初,亚当航空一架载有102名乘客的飞机在由日本的泗水飞往苏拉威西岛时失踪。In early 2006, an Adam Air flight disappeared on a flight from the Javanese city of Surabaya to the island province of Sulawesi with 102 people on board.

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近代理论认为,铭文可能是用古爪哇语或梵文所著,示意书写碑文的人可能是苏门答腊人。Recent theories suggest that the inscription is either in Old Javanese or Sanskrit. It is likely that the person who commissioned the inscription was Sumatran.

150年前,荷兰人殖民苏里南期间废除了奴隶制,很多爪哇穆斯林合同工从马来西亚的爪哇涌到这里。Suriname imported Javanese Muslim contract workers from Java, Indonesia 150 years ago after the abolition of slavery during its Dutch-controlled colonial period.

年前,荷兰人殖民苏里南期间废除了奴隶制,很多爪哇穆斯林合同工从马来西亚的爪哇涌到这里。Suriname imported Javanese Muslim contract workers from Java, Indonesia 150 years ago after the abolition of slavery during its Dutch-controlled colonial period.

它们令这个小小的城市成为爪哇传统文化的心脏,经历了殖民、战争、占领、革命与多年的专制统治,这种文化依然被保存下来。They made this small city the heartland of traditional Javanese culture, protected during colonization, wartime, occupation, revolution and years of authoritarian rule.

苏门答腊岛的美食,例如,往往显示其中东和印度的影响力,包括咖喱肉和蔬菜,而爪哇菜较为自行研制。Sumatran cuisine, for example, often shows its Middle Eastern and Indian influence, featuring curried meat and vegetables, while Javanese cuisine is rather more indigenously developed.