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任何性质的部分利益均可承保。A partial interest of any nature is insurable.

第三部分是人身保险中的保险利益。The third part is insurable interest in life insurance.

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个人保险客户必须拥有保险利益。The individual policyholder must have an insurable interest.

妻子在她丈夫的生活里有可保权益。A wife would have an insurable interest in her husband's life.

保险是一种管理可保风险的风险融资行为。Insurance is a risk financing activity that manages insurable risks.

第二部分主要对人身保险利益做了定性分析。The second part is about the innate character of insurable interest.

第二章是财产保险利益,分成三节。The second chapter is on property insurable interest, composed of three sections.

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如何对财产保险合同和人身保险合同中的保险利益加以具体认定是本章要解决的问题。How to determine the insurable interest is the issue to be resolved in this chapter.

然而,正如我们以上所见,部分准备金银行的存款没有任何“可保”的理由。As we have seen above, however, fractional-reserve bank deposits are in no sense "insurable."

我们被调查保险利益,来保证我们将货物投保这一行为是由绝对利害关系为出发点的。We are checked for insurable interest, to make sure that we have real interest in insuring the goods.

可保利益原则适用于人身保险、财产保险、责任险及意外险等。The principles of insurable interest apply to insurance of person, property, liability, contingency, etc.

第三部分论证海上保险合同中保险利益和保险合同效力的关系问题。The three part is about the relation between the insurable interest and the effect of insurance contract.

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第二百一十九条保险标的的保险价值由保险人与被保险人约定。The insurable value of the subject matter insured shall be agreed upon between the insurer and the insured.

监管机构应限定它们的使用范围,仅允许对某国或某家公司债券拥有可保权益的人利用这种工具。Their use ought to be confined to those who have a insurable interest in the bonds of a country or company.

保险利益原则是保险法上的基本原则之一,其功能在于防止赌博和道德危险。Insurable interest is one of the basic principles of insurance law, which is to avoid gambling and moral hazards.

如果保险单是不定值保险单,赔偿范围是保险标的的可保价值。If the policy be an unvalued policy, the measure of indemnity is the insurable value of the subject-matter insured.

我国关于人身保险保险利益的法律规定贯彻了彻底的保险利益原则。Our law about the insurable interest of personal insurance completely carry out the principle of insurable interest.

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受本法各条规定的制约,对海上冒险有利益的每个人均有可保利益。Subject to the provisions of this Act, every person has an insurable interest who is interested in a marine adventure.

没有可保利益的保险是无效的,而任何根据这类合同提出索赔都不会被受理。An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made up it will not be entertained.

另外,NFB还说,因经济原因而没有购买除菌剂或没有采取充分的控制措施,不能作为索取保险金的理由。Also, failure to purchase and apply adequate control measures because of economic reasons is not an insurable cause of loss, NFB said.