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每当我漫步荒野凝视明月。I gaze on the moon aso I tread the drear wild.

上周,日本首相麻生太郎给出一个愚蠢的答案。Late last week Prime Minister Aso gave one foolish answer.

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赵传奇就化身原田太郎进入了陆军医院。Zhao Chuanji incarnation harada aso entered the army hospital.

麻生和小池都是华盛顿的坚定支持者。Both Mr. Aso and Ms. Koike are staunch Washington supporters. Last year, Ms.

而麻生太郎在这些日子里其实是只跛脚鸭,没有什么作出大胆之举的空间。And Aso is practically a lame duck these days, with little room for bold moves.

如果你看一下那个大屏幕,这是我和日本首相麻生太郎在一起。If you look on the screen there, there I am with Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso.

听和读,是输入和积累,也可以说是基三年升四级于观察的学习。As i ut and accumulation, listening and reading function aso ervation-based learning.

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麻生太郎认为中川作为财政部长,缓解了自二战以来日本最大的经济衰退。Aso paid tribute to Nakagawa's role in tackling Japan's worst recession since the war.

“麻生太郞正在从强硬的民主政治中寻求力量以改变其不利局面”。Aso is seeking strength from tough diplomatic policies to change his unfavorable situation.

目前,日本首相麻生太郎又要前往华盛顿去会见美国总统。And now Prime Minister Taro Aso is headed to Washington to meet with the American president.

在日本正式发射后不久,首相麻生太郎与记者进行了简短的交谈。Shortly after Japan confirmed the launch, Prime Minister Taro Aso briefly spoke to reporters.

在他周二召集的一个特别党务会议上,麻生太郎对最近的选举失利表示了道歉。At a special party meeting he convened Tuesday, Mr. Aso apologized for recent election losses.

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林守成来到办公室,跪在高虹面前求高虹可以承受品如。LinShouCheng came to office, kneeling in front GaoHong GaoHong can withstand product such aso.

麻生承诺要刺激日本国内经济,有可能会通过增加政府开支来实现。Aso has vowed to stimulate Japan's domestic economy, possibly by increasing government expenditures.

此外,麻生太郎在普通自民党人中比在该党的政治掮客中更受欢迎。In addition, Aso is more popular with rank-and-file LDP members than with the party's power brokers.

麻生太朗在安倍晋叁星期二被选为日本新首相之后不久发表上述看法。Mr. Aso made the comment shortly after Shinzo Abe was elected Tuesday as Japan's new Prime Minister.

因为200粒子不会填充到一个实体片段,我们把它考虑为特殊的情况。Because 200 particles won't fill an entire segment, we handle this scenario aso specials cose in the code.

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日本外相町村信孝公开宣称中国威胁论曾激起北京的强烈反对。Foreign Minister Taro Aso drew an angry retort from Beijing last month when he described China as 'a threat.

素以“大嘴”闻名的麻生是另一个首相的外孙,而且领导着一个小派阀。Urbane if with an earthy humour, Mr Aso is another prime minister 's grandson and leads a small party faction.

甚至日本首相麻生太郎也认为有必要在他的官方个人网站上公布他的血型。Even Prime Minister Taro Aso seems to consider it important enough to reveal in his official profile on the Web.