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他看了一眼罗文。He glanced at Rowan.

“若她尖叫怎么办?”罗文说。"And if she screams?" said Rowan.

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染黄我们头顶山梨树的叶子。Yellow the leaves of rowan above us.

坎特伯雷大主教罗文·威廉斯说道。Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

染黄我们头顶山梨树的叶子。Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us.

罗恩毫不犹豫地接过信。Rowan took the letter without hesitation.

“弗兰雅,霍丽,和他们一起,”罗文说。"Frenya, Holly, go with them, " Rowan said.

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罗文轻吹口哨。“神灵咒死那个男人。”Rowan whistled softly. "Gods curse the man. ""

“你又一个同父异母的,”罗文说。“他现在是乌鸦们的首领。”"You have a half-brother, " Rowan said. "Lord Crow, he is. "

于是总统把罗文找来,交给他一封写给加西亚的信。Rowan was sent for and given a letter to be delivered to Garcia.

大门和房间用白桦、橡木和花楸树枝装饰。Birch, oak, and rowan boughs are used to decorate gates and rooms.

想想罗恩,自问自己为什么不去完成任务而是编一堆理由。Instead of making a dozen excuses why you can't complete the task, think about Rowan.

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松鼠像她平时一样轻声轻脚溜走了,罗文带着席恩也离开了大厅。Squirrel slipped away, soft-footed as she always was. Rowan walked Theon from the hall.

离门还不到十码,罗文就放下了她的空桶,她的姐妹们纷纷效仿。Not ten yards from the door, Rowan dropped her empty pail, and her sisters did likewise.

教皇本笃十六世抵达伦敦会见坎特伯里大主教威廉斯。Pope Benedict XVI arrives in London to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams.

罗妈妈不停的请求着她,孙维君告诉他们,让他们去罗湾码头,一定要从侧面走。ROM. Mother kept her Sun Weijun tell them, let them go to rowan wharf, must from the side walk.

丽雅-庞弗雷特及罗文-米勒展示了他们如何使用用“解决方案工具包”来解决冲突。Liya Pomfret and Rowan Miller demonstrate how they use the "solutions kit" to resolve conflicts.

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丽雅·庞弗雷特及罗文·米勒展示了他们如何使用“解决方案工具包”来解决冲突。Liya Pomfret and Rowan Miller demonstrate how they use the "solutions kit" to resolve conflicts.

但是蒙古之旅在夫妇看来给Rowan带来了真正的恢复。But the Mongolian trip brought plenty of what his parents see as genuine breakthroughs for Rowan.

罗文·威廉姆斯犯下错误,他接受同性恋,同性恋已经使全世界的圣公会教会分化。Rowan Williams has erred by accepting homosexuality that has divided the church all over the world.