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已有人送给她更加华贵的珠宝。Has someone gave her more showily jewelry.

试着加入一点金色,华贵无比。Try to join aureate, showily and clinking.

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彰显有度,于无声之中展现华贵之气。Aiming to manifest, show showily gas in silence.

简洁线条凝炼的空间感受是华贵而不张扬。Concise lines toes form the space of refine is experienced is showily and not make public.

有闪光效果的条纹带来的是寓于自然中的华贵气质。Having what the stripe of flashy effect brings is contain the showily temperament in nature.

水晶底座晶莹剔透,烘托整个产品极其醒目华贵。Crystal base, foil glittering and translucent get rid of whole product extremely smart showily.

本季的皮草既有华贵血统,又不失优雅端庄。The Pi Cao of this season has showily blood relationship already, do not miss grace again dignified.

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凝重的华贵与浪漫的时尚带给人时空交错的眩惑。Of dignified showily bring a person spatiotemporal stagger with romantic vogue bewildered be puzzled.

感叹我那曾经炫目灿烂的、深深浅浅的青春,竟然这么摇摇摆摆地一去不复返了。Sighed that my that once dazzled brightly, the depth youth, unexpectedly never to returned such showily.

过多的家具并不一定代表华贵,反而只会给人带来拥挤、狭窄的感觉。Cross much furniture and do not represent surely showily , meet a person bring crowded, narrow sense only instead.

这些深色家具显示了华贵自然、古朴凝重、端庄大方的特点。These brunet furniture showed dignified and dignified of showily nature, of primitive simplicity, easy characteristic.

非花家具的色彩自然呈现华贵气质,很轻易与室内色彩相搭配。The colour nature of the furniture that be not a flower presents showily temperament, match very easily with indoor color photograph.

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秋天是收获的季节,橙黄色系给人的感觉是沉甸甸的,布满了华贵与凝重的意味。The autumn is the season of results, orange yellow fastens be heavy to the person's feeling, was full of showily the imply with dignified.

设计师以轻装修、重装饰的设计理念使主人不用花费很多,就拥有了感觉华贵的家居。Stylist is repaired with light, concept of heavy illuminative design makes host need not be cost a lot of, had the household that feels showily.

用红色装饰的空间给人以华贵的感觉,配合白色的洁具,确实有些尊贵的味道。Give a person with gules illuminative space with showily feeling, the clean that cooperates white is provided, have some of exalted taste really.

过分“华贵”导致舞厅化倾向,使安静的居室臃肿繁杂,失去温馨的静态居室之美。Beyond the mark " showily " bring about ballroom to change the trend, sedative bedroom overstaffed is multifarious , lose the beauty of sweet static bedroom.

俱乐部风格以时尚元素与华贵大气相结合,让来到RAY&BALL的每一位客人都能感觉到其身份的尊贵。The club style in fashionable element and showily atmospheric unifies, lets came to RAY&BALL of every guest can feel his identity to cater to the guest of honour.

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有些淋浴房采用喷砂金或喷砂银的工艺,色彩华贵,但价格相对要贵一些。Some shower room uses the technology of arenaceous silver of gush arenaceous gold or gush, colour is showily , but the price wants relatively a few more expensive.

虽然他既不像现任总理那样是个爱现的名人,也不像前任总理那般才华横溢是个“零售”政治家,但卡麦隆在上述两个场合都能如鱼得水。Though he is neither as showily cerebral as the current prime minister nor as scintillating a retail politician as the previous one, Mr Cameron is adept in both settings.

花色繁多,风格多元,设计时尚,或温婉、或华贵、或灵动、或火热,可以满足不同口味的人群。Variety of designs is various, the style is multivariate, the design is fashionable, or Wen Wan, or showily , or clever, or fervent, can satisfy the crowd of different taste.