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“给布兰奇来杯酒,”我吩咐弗兰克。Give Blackie a drink, " I said to Frank."

我多年来一直只用「黑人牙膏」。I have just been using " Blackie " for years.

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半小时之后黑子还没有回来。Half an hour later, however, Blackie had not returned.

听到这话,小黑子立即就跟着他走了。Hearing this, Grandma's Blackie went with him at once.

他观察村中漫游的牧群,注意到了老奶奶的小黑子。While examining the wandering village herd, he noticed Grandma's Blackie.

他是个一等水手,他的全名是弗朗西斯L基弗,可是他通常被人家叫为黑鬼布莱奇。He's an A. B. His full name is Francis L Keefer, but he was usually known as Blackie.

“我会把所有的事情交给我男朋友黑人来筹办,”她用典型的范范式幽默说道。“I’ ll let my boyfriend Blackie take care of every thing,” said Fan with typical humor.

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于是第二天上午布朗先生开着车愉快的领狗去了。So the next morning Mr. Brown got into his car and drove off happily to collect Blackie.

尽管主人称它是英格兰年纪最大的一只猫猫,小黑仍然身体倍儿棒儿。BLACKIE the cat is feline fine — despite her owners' claims she is Britain's oldest moggie.

即便在长成一头高大而健壮的公牛后,“老奶奶的小黑子”还是那么温顺。Even after he grew up into a big strong bull, Grandma's Blackie remained very tame and gentle.

美军离开阿富汗后,巴基斯坦人会在黑鬼额头上涂上红点,然后当做训练用的靶标。Pakistanis will use blackie hindos with red dots for target practice when US leaves Afghanistan.

布莱基·鲍勒曾经坐在一辆货车车厢里,双腿伸在门外,却碰上火车突然启动。Blackie Bauer had been sitting in a boxcar with his legs sticking through the door when the train started with a jerk.

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老闆的好意和信任让我和黑人非常感动,于是我们写了张感谢函来表达心中的谢意。Blackie and I were so moved by the store owner's generosity and his good faith in us strangers, we decided to write him a thank you note.

如果你留意台湾的流行文化,黑人和我对你来说,也许一点也不陌生,但老板讲话的神情告诉我,他完全不认识我们。Blackie and I are known to those who follow pop culture, but something in the way the store owner looked at us told me he had no idea who we were.

小黑仍在努力的生存,它的寿命如此之长,甚至它的孩子都先它而去了。Blackie lives with Quentin, his fiancee Kim and her children, Scarlet and Tom, both 11. Kim, also 49, revealed what she believes are the secrets to Blackie's long life.

小黑仍在努力的生存,它的寿命如此之长,甚至它的孩子都先它而去了。Blackie lives with Quentin, his fiancee Kim and her children, Scarlet and Tom, both 11. Kim, also 49, revealed what she believes are the secrets to Blackie's long life.

布兰奇,如今叫盲汉了,还有那个叫威利·索亚的家伙,两人又打又踢,又抓又咬,我看到布兰奇的一个眼珠掉了出来挂在脸上。Blackie , him that's Blindy now, and this other boy Willie Sawyer, and they were slugging and kneeing and gouging and biting and I see one of Blackie 's eyes hanging down on his cheek.