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这就是所谓无常之理了。This is what we call "impermanence".

无常是祸中有福,并非诅咒Impermanence is a Blessing, not a Curse.

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事实上,无常是个非常好的消息。Actually, impermanence is a very good news.

⊙、教导有方辛勤劳碌教无常师。Teach impermanence division teaching hard labor.

不停止,显示出它们无常的本质。Not being still means their nature of impermanence.

万法说到底竟皆无常。To say it explicitly, impermanence rules all phenomena.

有你在,我不再害怕世事的无常。There you are, I am no longer afraid of life's impermanence.

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无论发生什么事,都以无常的认知,随它们去。Whatever happens, let it flow away with the view of impermanence.

飞过人间的无常,才懂爱才是宝藏。Flew over the impermanence of the world, is the only Dongai treasures.

白无常有着性格比较和善的传闻。The White Guard of Impermanence has a kind and friendly air about him.

生老病死的无常过程,谁能免除?With birth, aging, sickness, and death, how can we be rid of impermanence?

世有苦空无常,故有真理示现。The suffering, emptiness, and impermanence of the world manifest the truth.

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其实人生无常,每个人身边都有很多喜欢的人。In fact, the impermanence of life, everyone who likes to have a lot of people.

看尽生生死死、人情冷暖及世事变化的无常。I had seen life and death, warm and cool feelings, and the impermanence of life.

阎罗王头饰中的颅骨示意他代表着死亡、时间和无常。Skulls in Yama's head-dress show that he represents death, time and impermanence.

给出食饵种群的非永久持久性的充分条件。Finally the sufficient condition for the impermanence of prey population was given.

四十一岁的我,一个人,就亲见了这麽样形形色色的无常例子。At age forty-one I alone had witnessed such a vast variety of cases of impermanence.

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云彩那变化无常的本性,可让小河受尽了苦头。Because of the nature of impermanence within the clouds, the river suffered very much.

当我们谈到无常的本质时,必须先记住它有两个层面。When talking about the nature of impermanence we must bear in mind that there are two levels.

这块地方提醒他人类身体,人类的希望和成就都是无常,并非永恒。The place reminded him of the impermanence of the human body, of human hopes and achievements.