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均手术切除局部的掌腱膜条索。The local strip of palmar aponeurosis was excised.

手掌脱皮是怎么回事?Is palmar desquamate how to return a responsibility?

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夏天手掌脱皮用什么方法或药物治疗比较好?Does palmar desquamate use summer what method or it is better to medication?

目的探讨微型胸腔镜T2交感神经电切断术治疗手汗症的效果。To review the effect of T2 sympathectomy for palmar hyperhidrosis with mini-thoracoscopy.

手汗症或手心出汗是普遍的问题所面临的每一个其他人今天。Palmar Hyperhidrosis or sweaty palms is general problem faced by every other person today.

方法在知情同意手续下,捺印调查对象的手纹。Methods The ink print of fingerprint and palmar patterns were obtained with informed consent.

对于重建手掌与脚掌,是一个非常好的选择。The medial plantar flap is an excellent choice in the reconstruction of palmar and plantar areas.

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对,我们还有掌中宝,能帮你们发现现场附近任何隐蔽的恐怖分子。Yes, we have the palmar cimelia, and can help you to find terrorist at any concealment of the spot.

他宣称左手掌偶有多汗的情形,家人有异位性体质。He reported occasional mild palmar hyperhidrosis of his left hand and had a family history of atopy.

目的为腕管松解术及掌中间隙引流术提供解剖学基础。Objective To provide the anatomical basis for the carpal tunnel and the middle palmar space drained.

结论微型胸腔镜T2交感神经电切断术治疗手汗症安全有效。The effect of T2 sympathectomy for palmar hyperhidrosis with mini-thoracoscopy is safe and effective.

反扣的手臂松开,伸直腿,身体放松,手掌放在地上休息10秒钟。The arm that buckles instead is loose, unbend leg, the body is loosened, palmar ground rests 10 seconds.

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各民族的掌纹各具特点而又显示出蒙古人种的一般特征。The palmar print of each nationality shows both its own feature and the general character of the Mongoloid.

手掌脱皮是什么原因?吃些什么食物可以补充一下?有什么简单点的治疗方法吗?What reason is palmar desquamate? Some of what food to eat to you can complement? Remedial method is there?

对指掌侧固有动脉、静脉和神经的位置、形态进行了观测。The position and morphology of the proper palmar digital arteries, veins and nerves were observed and measured.

此后,两个分支从尺动脉有助于形成浅表和掌深动脉弓。Thereafter, the two branches from the ulnar artery contributed to form the superficial and deep palmar arterial arches.

目的研究吻合指掌侧静脉重建断指血运的方法。Objective To investigate the methods of application of the palmar digital vein to reconstruct the blood in replantation.

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掌腱膜挛缩症的病理改变不仅仅局限在掌腱膜,也可累及皮下组织和皮肤。The pathology changes located not only at the palmar aponeurosis but also in the subcutaneous tissue and overlying skin.

结论胸交感神经干切断术是治疗手汗症安全、微创和有效的方法。Conclusion Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is a safe, effective, and micro-invasive treatment for palmar hyperhidrosis.

结论胸交感神经干切断术是治疗手汗症安全、微创和有效的方法。Conclusions Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is a safe, effective, and micro-invasive treatment for palmar hyperhidrosis.