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暗红色的墙体,棕红色的窗棂。The dark red walls, henna window lattices.

这一系列设计的灵感源于指甲花。This collection was inspired by henna body art.

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另一个例子是指甲花刺青。Another example is the dangers from henna tattoos.

印度女性也用指甲花染头发。Women in India also used henna to color their hair.

孟买,婚礼上一位珠光宝气、手涂指甲花的新娘。Bejewelled bride with henna hands at Mumbai wedding.

如果你就是要染发的话,使用天然的材料,比如henna。If you must color, try a natural agent such as henna.

应用纹身如何申请指甲花和皮肤纹身。Applying Tattoos How to apply henna and tattoos to skin.

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指甲花是来自印度的一种暂时性的皮肤装饰品。Henna is a temporary form of skin decoration from India.

这是我的最爱,当时是受了印度海纳纹身的启发。This is my favorite one. It was inspired by Indian Henna tattoo.

他和他儿子都涂了指甲油,所以我能认出来。I recognised them because he and his son had henna on their toes.

据说埃及王后克利奥帕特拉用指甲花染过头发。The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra is supposed to have used henna to color her hair.

你所栽种的是一所石榴园,有极美的果子,有凤仙花和哪达树。Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with choice fruits , with henna and nard.

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人体彩绘源于印度和巴基斯坦,是用指甲花染料在身体上进行装饰的一种方法。Mehndi is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration in India and Pakistan.

人们说,新娘手上的“汉娜”颜色越深,新郎就会越爱她。People say that the darker the color of henna on the bride's hand, the more the groom loves her.

人体彩绘源于印度和巴基斯坦,是用指甲花染料在身体上进行装饰的一种方法。Mehndi is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration in India and Pakistan.

收乙方提供的元件和辅助材料等将从日本装运至河南。The components and auxiliary materials, etc, supplied by party bare to be shipped from Japan to Henna.

去年印度查谟的一个节日,一位妇女在出售指甲花,小额贷款可以帮助她业务拓展。A woman sells henna at a festival in Jammu, India last year. A micro loan could help expand her business.

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在索马里兰的首府哈尔格萨一个平静的安乐窝里,女人们作着她们的发型和染脚指甲。In a cocoon of calm, women have their hair styled and feet decorated with henna in Hargeysa, Somaliland's capital.

阿布都银白的胡子在为鞋子补色时被指甲花染料染成了深橘色,宛若一簇跳动的火焰。Abu beard are white fill color for the shoes were dyed henna dye deep orange, like a cluster of beating the flames.

在某场特别的仪式上新娘和女伴手上要进行彩绘,彩绘艺术家是从印度请来的。Artists who apply henna to the hands of the bride and her friends during a special party were summoned from India.