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那农夫正在给他的羊剪毛。The farmer is shearing his sheep.

剪完羊毛后,我去看你。I'll go to see you after shearing.

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他找到一份剪羊毛的工作。He found a job of shearing wool from sheep.

他们将在下星期修剪草地。They will be shearing the meadow next week.

绘制时,修剪意味着使图像倾斜。When drawing, shearing means to slant an image.

剪羊毛工人记下那天已剪过的羊。I start shearing the sheep at the beginning of July.

灯光对线装置,便于手工划线剪切。Aligning by light, helpful to mark out by hand for shearing.

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大卫在旷野听见说拿八剪羊毛。David heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his sheep.

这种剪切力作用的结果是推动内质向前。The result of this shearing force is to push the endoplasm forward.

我得帮忙剪羊毛、采收水果和除害虫。I had to help with shearing sheep, picking fruit and hunting vermin.

后挡料尺寸及剪切次数有数字显示装置。Size of rear blok stop and shearing numbers has digitaldisplay apparatus.

该模型考虑了纤维束弯曲所引起的附加剪切。The additional shearing introduced by bending of fiber yarn is considered.

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对再生混凝土梁受剪试验数据进行统计和分析。The results of shearing failure tests of RRC beams were also investigated.

本发明涉及一种用于剪切皮革等较厚硬片状物的安全型电动剪刀。The safe electric scissors is for shearing leather and other thick matter.

剪床。可以指定尺寸和操作净空面积。Shearing machine. Dimensions and operating clearance area can be specified.

阐述了圆管式空心板横孔板的受剪机理。The mechanism under shearing about the cross-hole voided slab is set forth.

本机主要用于裘革粗,精梳之后的剪毛。This machine is mainly used to do shearing after rough and careful combing.

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在120—140℃低切变速率下操作,胶料的弹性记忆效应最小。The Barus effects reached the minimum at lower shearing rate within 120-140℃.

最后将其与高阻尼剪切型拉索减振器进行了比较。Its damping effects is compared with shearing damper with high-damping rubber.

经过验算,指出此方案各部分均满足抗弯、抗剪等要求。Furthermore, this plan is testified to meet the request of bending and shearing.