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这种狂热正席卷日本。The craze is sweeping over Japan.

银纹是高聚物损伤的重要表现形式。Craze is an important form of polymer damage.

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本周,这一热潮蔓延到了现实世界。This week the craze spread to the real world.

每个人都在谈投资热。Everybody is talking about the investment craze.

爱情之中我感谢生活,它给我狂热.I thank living during love ,it brought me craze.

大运动量增氧舞蹈乃是随着慢跑成风的时尚附带产生的。Aerobic dancing piggybacked on the jogging craze.

现在我们英文母语者也可以共享这个QQ时尚了。Now us Anglophones can share in the QQ craze too.

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佛拉曼科舞迅速风靡全世界。The flamenco craze began to spread all over the world.

来自东京的艺术家助理Hayashi掀起了一阵“浮游热”。Hayashi, an artist’s assistant in Tokyo, started a craze.

还记得风靡一时的数字拼图游戏吗?Remember that number puzzle craze a couple of years back?

很明显,我们现在有着一种时尚狂热在手,或者说,嗯,在脚上。Clearly, we have a fashion craze on our hands, or, um, feet.

在此蠕变过程中,有机玻璃会出现银纹化现象。In the process of creep, craze damage in PMMA may take place.

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薇诺娜·赖德实则是选择这款短发的先驱,她在1997年完美的诠释了这种发型,并引发了它的风靡。Winona Ryder practically pioneered the pixie hair craze in 1997.

而事实是,儒学变成显学的趋势似不可逆转。And in fact, the trend of Chinese classics craze is irreversible.

许多商人都急于在流行的中国热中捞一把。Many merchants were not slow to cash in on the current China craze.

我想美国正在经历有机文化,太疯狂了。I think, right now, America is going through organic culture, craze.

让我们拭目以待这位曾经青涩的花样男子,在舞台上掀动起更狂热的王者之风。In the future, let's expect him to whip up hotter craze at the stage.

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少男少女追星现象是一个严重的社会问题。The craze of young pop song fans constitutes a serious social problem.

更值得注意的是,投机热潮已经紧紧覆盖了冬虫夏草市场。Notably, a speculative craze has gripped the market for caterpillar fungus.

理查得·尼克松总统在1972年的访华,引起了短暂的“英语热潮”。President Richard Nixon's China visit in 1972 caused a brief "English craze".