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超空间跳跃准备好了。Hyperdrive jump is ready.

该飞船有二级超光速推进器。The ship has a class two hyperdrive.

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日本强大的农业界国会活动集团已开展极度紧张的活动。Japan's powerful farm lobby has shifted into hyperdrive.

依恋体系,也就是友谊的升华。The Attachment System. This is friendship on hyperdrive.

我们不能?你怎知道超光速被人破坏了?。We can't?How would you know the hyperdrive is deactivated?

你还没把我修好你不会知道怎么修超光速器的!You haven't finished with me yet! You don't know how to fix the hyperdrive.

作为一艘科瑞利亚G9外架型货船,“黄昏号”是它这个型号里第一批装有超光速推进器的飞船之一。The Twilight is a Corellian G9 Rigger freighter, one of the first ships of its class built with a hyperdrive.

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阿什加德是旧共和国最出色的超空间推进器工程师之一,也是帕尔帕廷议员的政敌。One of the top hyperdrive engineers of the Old Republic, Ashgad was also a political foe of Senator Palpatine.

这些轻型护卫舰原本是很久以前为科雷利亚客户建造的,拥有高速的亚光速和超空间推进引擎。Originally built ages ago for a Corellian audience, these corvettes have fast sublight and hyperdrive engines.

在大型引力场附近时,许多安全系统会限制超空间推进器的使用。Numerous safety systems restrict the use of a hyperdrive while near the presence of a large gravitational field.

它是同时代极少数配备有机载式1.5级超空间推进引擎的星际战斗机之一,其航程可达5000光年。It is one of the few starfighters of this era to carry an onboard class 1.5 hyperdrive engine, with a range of 5,000 light years.

在超空间推进环的帮助下,欧比—万航行至遥远的卡米诺星球和吉奥诺西斯星球追查真相。Equipped with a hyperdrive booster ring, Obi-Wan voyaged to the distant worlds of Kamino and Geonosis while searching for answers.

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如果没有革命性的超空间推进系统的研发,在星系间往返是不可能实现的。Travel between star systems would be impossible were it not for the development of the revolutionary hyperdrive propulsion system.

术语“超空间推进器”是指能够推动星际飞船穿越高维的超空间的引擎和相关系统。The term hyperdrive refers to the engine and interrelated systems that propel a starship through the alternate dimension of hyperspace.

与标准的钛战机不同,这种飞机有结实的偏转护盾和超空间推进器,并有可怕的火力。Unlike the standard TIE fighter, this model featured sturdy deflector shields and a hyperdrive engine, and packed incredible firepower.

“贾比撒”有两个改装过的豪尔查尔七型“银级”轻型星际飞船引擎以及一个非常昂贵的超空间推进器核心部件。The Jabitha carried two modified Haor Chall type-seven Silver-class light starship engines as well as a very expensive hyperdrive core unit.

这艘光亮、流线型的J型327努比亚飞船没有任何进攻性武装,但安装了坚固的护盾和出色的超空间推进器。The polished, streamlined J-type 327 Nubian vessel lacks any offensive weaponry, but does feature strong shields and a competent hyperdrive.

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该设备可让你连接任何连接于PS3的3.5英寸的串行硬盘,支持最大上限为750GB,并且能介于外部Hyperdrive和内部2.5英寸硬盘进行切换。This device will allow you to connect any 3.5" SATA hard drive to the PS3, supportings upto 750GB and switch between the external HYPERDRIVE and internal 2.5" HDD.