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而武贾西奇面临着主客双方的敌意。Sasha faces animosity from all sides.

这种敌意不应被夸大。That animosity should not be overstated.

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倾向于激发别人的不快或敌意。Tends to elicit dislike or animosity in others. 096.

最主要的怨愤方是美国和中国。The main animosity will be between America and China.

但是她的论战中潜伏着更大的敌意。But there was a larger animosity at work in her polemics.

问题绝非两位昔日盟友之间的恩怨这么简单。The problem goes deeper than animosity between two old allies.

如来的好作品没有敌意或友谊。The good works of the Tathagata know of no animosity or befriending.

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然后所有这些消极性会侵蚀彼此,让敌意滋长。Then all the negativity feeds on each other and the animosity grows.

仇恨永远不能化解仇恨,只有慈悲才能化解仇恨,这是永恒的至理。Animosity can not be changed by abominating. Only lenity can melt it.

多加交流将可带来体谅,减少敌意。With the increased contacts will come more understanding and less animosity.

她不能理解她哥哥对比尔何以深恶痛绝。She could not understand the animosity felt towards Bill by her older brother.

郭美美说,她本人所招致的憎恶甚至一度让她产生自杀的动机。Guo said that the animosity she has stirred up even led to thoughts of suicide.

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但政治的花言巧语只会激起更多的愤怒,让群情激奋。But the political rhetoric just incites more animosity and gets people riled up.

坏脾气能同商业成功并肩同行的另一个原因是个人恩怨无非是竞争这块璞玉之瑕疵。But it is also because personal animosity can be the grit in the oyster of competition.

这对兄弟反目成仇了几年后终于和好了。The two brothers have finally patched up their quarrel after years of bitter animosity.

这会不仅会引起你的伴侣的憎恨和嫉妒,也会让你看起来像一个懒汉。This can cause animosity and jealousy from your mate. It also makes you look like a slob.

尖锐,严厉的恨意,尤指表现在言语或行为上。Bitter, sharp, ill-natured animosity , especially as it is exhibited in speech or behavior.

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如果他们两个分手了而且他们之间有什么怨恨的话,将这种照片上传到网上是一件很普遍的事。If these two break up and there is any animosity it's common for kids to post such a photo.

应该激励孩子们把他们可能藏在心里的不高兴表白出来。Children are animated to accurate animosity of anguish which they may be captivation central.

他们特别仇视牛头人,这个带有热情地回击种族间仇恨的种族。They have an especially violent hatred of tauren, who return the racial animosity with fervor.