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然后往前进入北方之内藉著黑暗化著手进行。Then forth into the North proceed by obscuration.

灯光也许并不能把你照亮,也许反而会显得你更加暗淡了…Perhaps the light cannot illuminate you, but makes you to be more obscuration.

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烟模糊试验适用于测量和评估这种危险性。Smoke obscuration test is applied to measure and assess the potential hazard due to the obscuration of smoke.

“启蒙”的本义是开发蒙昧、清除荒谬、发现真理。“The original meaning of enlightenment is to explore obscuration , to eliminate absurdity, and to discovery truth.

通过修持,通过智慧与方便消除无明最终使我们证得佛果。Through our practice, the application of method and wisdom eliminates obscuration and finally enables us to achieve results.

在许多情形下,由于尘埃的遮挡,中央星的性质是不确切或不可能确定的。In many cases, owning to obscuration by the dust, the properties of the central star are uncertain or impossible to determine.

定期对饭店进行安全巡视,及时发现隐患,及时上报并采取措施。Conduct regular safety patrol, find out any obscuration of accidents, take necessary measures and report to higher level on time.

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佛就是净除了一切过失或无明以大智慧证得清净之见。The Buddhas or Tathagatas abandon every possible fault or obscuration and then, through their great realizations, achieve the pure vision.

提出了一种基于时间、空间和频率的三维联合控制的高重频脉冲遮盖压制干扰技术。The obscuration Jamming of high PRF pulses based on jointly controlled in the domains of time, space and frequency is presented in this paper.

实验结果表明该评价方法有助于对遮蔽程度作出准确判别与分析。Some experimental results show that the method is an aid to differentiating and analysing the degree of infrared smoke screen obscuration accurately.

高功率固体激光装置中散射点的影响不可忽略,在实际的装置中已经看到由散射点引起的破坏。The effect of obscuration can't be ignored in the high-power solid laser equipment, and we have found the destruct of obscuration to the actual equipment.

当然,我们不否认在中世纪确实存在着迷信、贫困、蒙昧、暗淡等因素,但我们是否就可以全盘否定中世纪的文化遗产呢?We can't deny that superstition, poverty, obscuration , graness all exist in middle ages, but can we absolutely deny the culture heritages during that time?

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这几天我们已经知道,烦恼会覆蔽我们清净的本性,知道烦恼覆蔽要如何打开?The past few days we have talked about how affliction can obscure pure, intrinsic nature. How do we remove the obscuration of afflictions?There are seven ways to do so.

薛涌称蒋庆的儿童读经理论是“走向蒙昧的文化保守主义”,年轻学者刘海波等人则为蒋庆辩护。Xue Yong called Mr. Jiang Qing's ideas of children's classics-reciting "cultural conservatism towards obscuration ", and then Mr. Liu Haibo and other young scholars tried to defend Mr.

本文意欲揭示绘画作品中光影的澄明与遮蔽,切入断层论的思考,迈入光影形而上意义的返回步伐。The thesis tries to reveal the clarity and obscuration of lights & shadows in painting works. It ponders the theory of dislocation, and tries to find the metaphysical meanings of lights & shadows.