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它是珊瑚海海战、中途岛海战、瓜岛海战这一系列历史性胜利中的关键武器。It was the crucial weapon in historic victories at the Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal.

所罗门群岛的首都,位于瓜达尔卡纳尔西北海岸。人口',25。The capital of the Solomon Islands, on the northwest coast of Guadalcanal. Population, ', 25.

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霍尼亚拉所罗门群岛的首都,位于瓜达尔卡纳尔西北海岸。人口16,125。The capital of the Solomon Islands, on the northwest coast of Guadalcanal. Population, 16, 125.

他参加了许多瓜达尔卡纳尔战役并救了许多在战争中濒临死亡的受伤和染上疟疾的人。He was in many battles in Guadalcanal and saved many men who were dying from wounds and malaria.

中途岛的失败意味着日本不能赢得战争,而瓜达尔卡纳尔的战斗意味着美国不会输掉这场战争。Midway meant that Japan could not win the war, and Guadalcanal meant that America would not lose.

一个由海军特遣队保护的去往瓜达康纳尔岛的美国运输护卫队遭到了两次袭击。A U.S. convoy of transports, apparently going to Guadalcanal and covered by a naval task force, had been attacked twice.

一个由海军特遣队保护的去往瓜达康纳尔岛的美国运输护卫队遭到了两次袭击。A U. S. convoy of transports, apparently going to Guadalcanal and covered by a naval task force, had been attacked twice.

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日本此后始终无法夺回战略主动,两个月后美军在瓜达尔卡纳尔发起了进攻。Japan was never able to regain the strategic initiative, and American forces went on the offensive at Guadalcanal two months later.

日本人六个月前已失去了瓜岛,现在又开始争夺这绿色地狱般的新不列颠丛林。The Japanese had lost Guadalcanal just six months before and now the contest centered on the fighting in the green hell of the New Guinea jungles.

根据东京的报道,一个由巡洋舰和驱逐舰组成的美军侦查特遣舰队遭到日军袭击,圣伊萨贝尔岛南方,靠近瓜达康纳尔岛的狭长海峡。According to Tokyo, a scouting task force of U.S. cruisers and destroyers was attacked by the Japs south of Santa Isabel Island—up the slot from Guadalcanal.

美军取得了对该岛的控制,继续推行“跳岛战略”,从关岛到塞班,再到硫磺岛、瓜达尔卡纳尔岛和冲绳岛,一路推进,最终进入东京。The American navy gained control of the Island continuing its "island-hopping " strategy form Guam to Saipan to Iwo Jima to Guadalcanal to Okinawa and finally into to Tokyo.

美军取得了对该岛的控制,继续推行“跳岛战略”,从关岛到塞班,再到硫磺岛、瓜达尔卡纳尔岛和冲绳岛,一路推进,最终进入东京。The American navy gained control of the Island continuing its “island-hopping ” strategy form Guam to Saipan to Iwo Jima to Guadalcanal to Okinawa and finally into to Tokyo.

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上周有报道讲述了在瓜达康纳尔岛,一群224步兵团的日本兵,和来自中国、婆罗洲、还有菲律宾的老兵,在一个丛林峡谷遭到伏击。Last week reports told how on Guadalcanal a group of Japs of the 224th Infantry Regiment, veterans of China, Borneo and the Philippines, were trapped in a heavily wooded ravine.

本片讲述在二次大战期间,美军训练印第安纳瓦霍族人,利用他们的土语作密码,防止日军偷听解码。片中首先交代了瓜达尔坎纳尔岛的战事。Telling the story of a group of Navajo Indians whose language was used to create a code that was impossible for the Japanese to decode, it takes us first of all to the battle of Guadalcanal.