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首先是来自多米尼加联邦共和国的凯先生。First to Kai over in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

对85岁的多米尼克霍夫曼而言,情况太糟糕了。It's bad enough already for 85-year-old Dominica Hoffman.

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这张照片摄于多米尼加海岸以西三英里。This photo was taken three miles west off the coast of Dominica.

她出生在加勒比海的多明尼加,年幼时来到英国。She was born in Dominica in the Caribbean and came to Britain as a small child.

西印度群岛的多米尼加,彩虹横跨过生长在山侧花团锦簇的树。A rainbow arcs over trees blooming on a hillside in the West Indies island of Dominica.

Etienne博士还对多米尼加卫生服务进行了大量研究。Dr Etienne has also conducted a significant amount of research on health services in Dominica.

文章对谷蠹生物学、生态学特性,谷蠹抗药性及谷囊防治方法进行了综述。Biological amd ecological characteristics of Rhyzopertha dominica and its control were reviewed.

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照片中一群聚集在多米尼加加勒比岛外围繁殖区的抹香鲸正在水中翻滚。Sperm whales gather in their breeding grounds off the Caribbean island of Dominica in a file photo.

安德鲁和他的朋友一头叫做“斯卡”的年轻巨头鲸,一起游弋在多末尼加岛的西海岸。Andrew and his friend, a young sperm whale named Scar, swim together off the west coast of Dominica.

中国驻多米尼克大使叶大波全程陪同杨副外长一行在多米尼克的活动。Chinese Ambassador to Dominica Ye Dabo accompanied Yang and his delegation throughout the whole journey.

安德鲁和他那被称作“刀疤”的抹香鲸朋友。Andrew and his friend, a young sperm whale named Scar, were swimming together off the west coast of Dominica.

在多米尼加的巴蒂斯特海角的红石滩上,游客们只能在岩石的缝隙间看到一点大海。Vacationers barely catch a glimpse of the sea through rocks on Red Rock Beach on Pointe Baptiste in Dominica.

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祖克音乐是源于瓜德罗普岛,马提尼克,海地和多米尼加岛屿的一种节奏性很强的音乐风格。Zouk is a style of rhythmic music originating from the islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Haiti, and Dominica.

沸湖位于加勒比海小安的列斯群岛的多米尼加岛上,藏身于岛南部火山区的山谷中。Boiling Lake in the Caribbean Sea island of Dominica , hiding in the area of volcanic islands south of the valley.

多将继续坚持一个中国原则,支持中国的和平统一大业。Dominica will continue to adhere to the one-China principle and support China's grand cause of peaceful reunification.

多米尼克坚定奉行一个中国政策,致力于发展同中国长期友好关系。Dominica resolutely pursues the one-China policy and commits itself to developing long-term friendly relations with China.

杨副外长说,中国政府高度重视发展与多米尼克的关系。Vice Foreign Minister Yang said that the Chinese government attaches great importance to developing relations with Dominica.

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中方愿本着相互尊重、平等互利的原则发展同多米尼克的全面合作。China would like to develop all-round cooperation with Dominica in the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits.

在多米尼加制造的科伊巴雪茄如今在美国的一些雪茄店里有售,但这和前述的古巴制的科伊巴雪茄无关。Made in Dominica McCoy, cigar now in some American cigar store on sale, but this and the Cuban system of Cohiba cigars unrelated.

中国诚心诚意地帮助像多米尼克这样的小岛国,使我们感受到中国是真诚的朋友。China's sincere assistance for such a small island country as Dominica makes the Dominican people feel that China is a true friend.