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大江之中长着茂盛芳草的是鹦鹉洲。The grass on Parrot Shoal had grown abundant.

他就是个笨蛋,将会失去黄岩岛。He is an idiot, he will lose scarborough shoal.

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缺省情况下,代理绑定使用Shoal作其传输。By default, the Proxy binding uses Shoal as its transport.

中国从来没有在黄岩岛声称200海里的专属经济区。China has never claim 200 NM EEZ around Scarborough Shoal.

芦苇和杨柳看似遥遥远方我故乡的一片沙洲。Reeds and willows look like a shoal in far, far my homeland.

因为此地芦苇和杨柳看起来像南方沙洲上的那些。For the reeds and willows look like these on the southern shoal.

代理绑定使用Shoal作为其缺省感知机制。The Proxy binding uses Shoal as its default awareness mechanism.

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在浅水区,我们看到一群小鱼在游来游去。In the shoal water, we could see shoals of tiny fish darting about.

礁、滩两侧边缘的断层一般都比较发育。Faults are generally well developed on both sides of reef and shoal.

坚定不移向着太阳,度过浅滩暗礁。Steady sunward, though the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal.

盐城东沙的沙洲具较大发展潜力。The shoal of Dongsha Island in Yancheng had greater development potential.

起先,这摊血黑魆魆的,如同这一英里多深的蓝色海水中的一块礁石。First it was dark as a shoal in the blue water that was more than a mile deep.

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天空中有翠鸟的欢唱,浅滩有白鹭的低语。In the sky has kingfisher's singing joyfully, the shoal has egret's whispering.

盐滩是晒制海盐最为基本的场产资本。The salt shoal is an indispensable production material for solarizing sea salt.

根据试验结果,从河流阻力角度对刘家坝滩整治工程进行了评论。Based on the test results the Liujiaba shoal regulation engineering is commented.

我穿过浅水区域,继续向它们走进,但同时,这2只海牛也向我游来。I pushed on through the shoal water, but now the manatees were also moving toward me.

此类河流浅滩来水来沙条件及演变规律均与一般平原河流浅滩明显不同。Its conditions of water, sand and evolution is different from those of plain river shoal.

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鸡心洲浅滩整治建筑物较多,但整治效果不明显,是赣江西支著名的碍航浅滩。Jixinzhou Shoal is a famous navigation-obstructing shoal in the west branch of Gan River.

几分钟之后,汤姆便到了沙洲的浅水滩上,向伊利诺斯州趟过去。FEW minutes later Tom was in the shoal water of the bar, wading toward the Illinois shore.

闽南-台湾浅滩渔场多毛类表现为低多样性特征。The species diversity in dices of polychaete in Minnan-Taiwan Shoal Fishing Ground are low.