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青蛙艾下潜得最远到了底部。AI sank furthest to the bottom.

这是英格兰最靠西的地方。It is the furthest point west in England.

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到最远的村装去查探,找更多的金属回来。Search the furthest villages find more metal.

到最远的村庄去查探,找更多的金属回来。Search the furthest villages, find more metal.

在离炮口很远的一端点火。It ignites at the end furthest from the muzzle.

我走进最远的房间看雪。I went to the furthest room and watched the snow.

在发球线以内尽量远离你对手的位置。In the service box furthest away from your opponent.

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位于最远那一端的用户说什么语言呢?What language do they speak in the furthest reaches?

我们会住在布鲁克林最郊的地方的一栋用赤褐色砂石造的豪华别墅里。We’d live in a brownstone in the furthest reaches of Brooklyn.

那么,你认为世界上最遥远的距离是什么?Anyway, what do you think is the furthest distance in the world?

最先开启离你最远的一个针脚,然后再移到下一个。Start with the pin furthest away from you—then move on to the next.

南北回归线是日照直射点的最远纬度。Tropic of capricorn and cancer is the furthest latitude of sunlight.

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所以我预订了一张机票打算去我认为能去的最远的地方--phoenix。So I purchased a ticket to the furthest place I could get to, Phoenix.

筹钱最多、走的最远的小组将会获奖。Prizes are awarded for most money raised and furthest distance traveled.

埃塞尔伯特正在房内最远的那个角落里十分欢快地忙着。Ethelbert was most agreeably occupied in the furthest corner of the room.

图纸是什么接近第一和透支你最远的东西。Drawing what is furthest away first and overdrawing things that are nearer.

这其中也包括了对那些距离欧洲遥远的国家的歧视。It would also discriminate against nations located furthest away from Europe.

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而在这方面走的最远的可能当属英国。The country that has perhaps traveled the furthest in this respect is Britain.

而且,这是离压力、肉市摊位最为遥远的事情。Also, this was the furthest thing from a high pressure, meat-market bar situation.

异程系统,离热源最远支路的稳定性最差。Stability of DRS, the subcircuit that is furthest to the heat source is the worst.