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“曼德维尔”则受到白金汉郡的斯托克曼德维尔的启发。Mandeville's name is inspired by Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire.

在其他年份,残疾人奥运会仍在斯特克曼德威尔举行。In other years Games for the Disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville.

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文洛克和曼德维尔是描绘博尔顿一间炼钢厂的钢铁的卡通人物。Wenlock and Mandeville are animated figures depicting steel from a steelworks in Bolton.

是在下午和圣约瑟夫技术晚上所提供的课程先进曼德维尔举行。The courses are offered in the afternoons and evenings at Saint Joseph's technology-advanced Mandeville Hall.

来自曼德维尔大街的杨女士,被指控虐待她所照顾的一名70岁退休老人。Ms Young, of Mandeville Avenue, was charged with the ill-treatment of Ivy McCluskey while the 70-year-old was in her care.

多年来,只要做得到,每个星期天她都要花3个小时乘火车、出租车-公交车去曼德维尔参加聚会。For years, while she was able, she made the 3-hour trip by train and taxi-bus to Mandeville each Sunday to attend meetings.

联系青年人的体育价值观,温洛克和曼德维尔将帮助激发孩子努力成为最好的自己。By linking young people to the values of sport, Wenlock and Mandeville will help inspire kids to strive to be the best they can be.

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今年早些时候,另一家为奥运会生产温洛克和曼德维尔玩具的中国工厂也传出了类似的投诉。Earlier this year similar complaints had been made about another Chinese factory producing Wenlock and Mandeville toys for the Games.

据悉,卡通动画形象文洛克和曼德维尔分别成为2012年伦敦奥运会和残奥会的吉祥物。London 2012 organisers have unveiled cartoon animations named Wenlock and Mandeville as the mascots for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

在近代思想史上,曼氏第一个发现私人利益与社会利益将自然调和。In the history of modern thought, Mandeville was the first to find out that private interests and public interests may converge naturally.

两个都长着一只大眼睛的卡通形象终于揭开面纱,分别作为2012年伦敦奥运会和残奥会的吉祥物正式加入奥运大家庭。The official mascots for the London 2012 Olympic Games have been unveiled on May 19, 2010- two one-eyed characters named Wenlock and Mandeville.

二十世纪40年代,古特曼医生来到斯托克曼德维尔医院,建立了一个脊髓科,以帮助那些遭受脊髓疾病困扰的退役军人。In the 1940s, Dr. Ludwig Guttmann came to Stoke Mandeville Hospital to set up a new spinal unit to help former soldiers suffering from spinal cord injuries.

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据说,在蜿蜒曲折的曼德维尔峡谷山路上,肇事司机在自行车前故意急刹车,导致骑车者躲闪不及,撞上汽车。The cyclists crashed into a car after its driver allegedly slammed on his brakes in front of them on Mandeville Canyon Road, a winding street through a hilly neighborhood.