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在那没有云朵没有星星的天空中。Of cloudless clime and starless sky.

在东方的时光里,给了我这个奇迹。Match me such a marvel, save in Eastern clime.

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你抄袭他人文章,并宣称是自己的作品。Y copy other's articles, and clime that it is yours.

现今日本并不享有如此善意的经济气候。Japan today doesn't enjoy such a benevolent economic clime.

开始在钱梯上爬的人们于是对别人漠不关心。People become cold to other after start to clime the ladder of MONEY.

加州宜人的气候发挥了重要作用,但对能源利用效率的重视仍然至关重要。California's pleasant clime plays a role, but efficiency still matters.

此后我们将继续前往坦桑尼亚,在那里我们要攀登乞里马扎山。After that, we'll be moving on to Tanzania, where we're going to clime Mount Kilimanjaro.

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19世纪章回小说蕴含着强烈的地域特色与地域文化因素。The chapter fictions in the 19 th century had strong clime difference and clime culture factor.

把她送到威尼斯餐厅之后,我就爬到华佗山化园去喊英语了。After taking her to the Vince Restaurant, I went to clime the Hua Tuo Mountain Park to shout English.

我们地方的荷花又在这陌生的水上开了花,放出同样的清香,只是名字换了。The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness, under another name.

我们处所的荷花又在这陌生的水上开了花,放出同样的清喷鼻,只是名字换了。the same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness, under another name.

我们地方的莲花在他人的水域开花了,散发出同样的清香,只不过名字有所更变而已。The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness , under another name.

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她想到了她的丈夫,当她在这儿受冻的时候,他大概正在地球另一边某个温暖的地方吧。She thought of her husband in some vague warm clime on the other side of the globe, while she was here in the cold.

体现了由西—东、由北—南、干—湿、冷—暖气候生态模式的渐变。The climatic ecological pattern of the general west-east, north-south, dry-moist and cold-warm clime trends have come out.

生物都要懂得适应,这意味着他们要随时间而改变来适应极地寒冷的气候。Living things have all adapted, that means they've changed over time to fit the cold conditions of the polar regions clime.

这13个殖民区因气候和地理环境的差异,造成了各地经济形态、政治制度与观念上的差别。The discrepancy of clime and geographical environment caused the discrepancy of economic form, system and notion of policy.

在这之后,白天时间将会渐渐变长,并且最严寒的气候将会侵入所有地球北部的地方。After it, daytime will become increasingly longer and the coldest clime will invade all the places on the Northern part of the globe.

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其二,在章回小说的地域差异背后,隐藏着深层的思想内涵,诠释着中国思想文化从传统迈向近代的发展轨迹。Secondly, the clime difference hided deep- seated thinking connotation and deciphered the development track from tradition to modern.

人类在不同时期、不同地域、不同民族的各自发展过程中,创造出一个共同的艺术形式,那就是装饰艺术。In the development progress of different period, clime and nation, human beings have created a common art form which is decorative art.

地面的枯叶也趁机攀上了他的头顶,实在是说狼狈,就有多狼狈。The withered leaf of ground also took advantage of an opportunity to clime to his top of head, really say distress, have much distress.