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所以莫非空是在撒谎?So was Sora completely lying?

中国的朋友们你们好,我是苍井空。Hello to all Chinese friends, I'm Sora Aoi.

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在中国,苍井空不仅仅是出名,她异常火爆。Sora is not just hot in China, but also surprisingly popular.

其实,这个派别的领导人索拉·巴尔克是黑暗面的信徒。The leader of the schism, Sora Bulq, was actually a disciple of the dark side.

苍井空已经在练习中国书法,学习普通话。Sora has been publicly practicing her Chinese calligraphy and studying Mandarin.

弟弟和弟妇正前往大兰岛找上原空医生动手术。His brother and wife were on the way to Da Lan Island to look for Dr Uehara Sora to perform a surgery.

就管制和特许经营权竞标的特征和优劣势进行了详细的对比分析。Detailed comparative analysis was conducted on the characteristic, merits and demerits of regulation and SORA.

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索拉在试玩版里和高飞时变身了呢。那么还有和其他角色的其身样式吗?Sora does the drive mode with Goofy in the demo. Are there other drive modes with different characters in the game?

就像一位网民说的,“尽管苍老师脱掉了衣服,她也是脱掉衣服的圣人。”As one netizen put it, “Even though Sora has taken off her clothes, she’s just a saint who’s also taken off her clothes.

那1年,太阳还不叫日,东京还不热,苍井空还是处女,冠希还没有相机,李刚还没有儿子。The 1 year, the sun is not that day, Tokyo is not hot, sora aoi a virgin, Edison also don't have a camera, li gang had no child.

根据奎兰·沃斯提供的情报,索米大师前往安扎特,寻找一位与邦联结盟的黑暗绝地索拉·宝器。Using information offered by Quinlan Vos, Master Tholme journeyed to Anzat to seek out the Confederacy -allied Dark Jedi Sora Bulq.

苍井空在中国红不仅透半边天,而且是不可思议地受欢迎。Sora is not just hot in China, but also surprisingly popular. In a widely reported event, a Chinese web celebrity called her a 'prostitute.

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虽然最后共和国胜利地终结了邦联在这颗星球的阴谋,但兰齐希斯却被绝地叛徒索拉·巴尔克所杀害。Though the Republic was ultimately victorious in stopping the Confederacy plot on the planet, Rancisis was killed by the traitorous Jedi Sora Bulq.

索拉·巴尔克是绝地武士团有史以来最伟大的光剑导师之一,精通从传统型到试验型的各种战斗技巧。Sora Bulq was one of the greatest lightsaber instructors the Jedi order had ever known, perfecting the various forms of combat techniques, both classical and experimental.