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举行的结霜帮助它到位。The frosting helps hold it in place.

必须所有结霜在您的耳朵。Must be all the frosting in your ear.

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你不能有太多的结霜!You can never have too much frosting !

我烤了蛋糕、搅了奶油。I piped the frosting and whipped the cream.

当蛋糕还在烤箱中烘焙时,制作糖霜。While the cupcakes are cooking, make the frosting.

还可在此基础上磨砂和蒙砂。You are also on this basis and frosting and etching.

烤一块蛋糕,用霜状白糖在上面写上“对不起”。Bake a cake and use frosting to write "I'm Sorry" on top.

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用玻璃粉把每片纸板“粘”起来。You "glue" them using frosting onto a piece of cardboard.

西装造型的香草味蛋糕,有奶油乳酪和软糖哦。Creative vanilla cake with buttercream frosting and fondant.

在婚礼那天,他们又在蛋糕上面加了一层奶油糖霜。A layer of buttercream frosting was added on the day of the wedding.

他们就站在结婚蛋糕最顶层的奶油忌廉糖霜上。Let me introduce you. They stand top layer of butter cream frosting.

圆圆很喜欢吃杯子蛋糕。看她吃的满嘴都是糖霜。Jeanette loves eating cup cakes. Look at the frosting around her mouth.

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衬衣上沾着粉红污渍的你会看起来可爱极了。You'll look extra adorable with smudges of pink frosting on your shirt.

在大托盘上放置一块蛋糕,平底朝上,撒上1杯作好的奶油糖霜。Place 1 cake layer, flat side up, on platter. Spread 1 cup frosting over.

它已经流畅结霜我永远做我的短烘烤生活。It's already the smoothest frosting I have ever done in my short baking life.

并就不同的霜花机整机组成,阐述了霜花效果的差异。Different composition of frosting machine would lead to different frosted effect.

在托盘正中,一块咖啡蛋糕闪烁着光泽,上面的糖霜是如此的新鲜,几乎要从侧面滑落。In the center, a coffee cake glistened, the frosting so fresh it slid off the side.

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如果你想让它们特别的固定,你可以用玻璃粉作为胶把它们粘起来。If you want the cake extra secure, you can glue them to one another using frosting as glue.

对市售的蒙砂粉和作者研制的蒙砂粉,加入水和酸,配置成蒙砂液,以制备蒙砂玻璃。Frosted glass is prepared by frosting powder on sale, into which water and acids were added.

尤其针对透明树脂表面改性,作了深入的讨论,并提出了自己的解决办法。In addition, we bring forward a ways to improve the properties of anti fogging & anti frosting.