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约翰让人将莫德和她的儿子关进了地牢。John had Maude and her son cast into a dungeon.

光也驱散囚室的黑暗。And light disperses the darkness of the dungeon.

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比一般的地牢探索者幸存得更久。Survive longer than your average dungeon delver.

梅金将被丢进暗无天日的地牢。Megan shall be thrown into the dungeon of darkness.

事实上,迷宫谜题已经被重新构想。In fact the dungeon puzzles have all been reimagined.

耶和华阿,我从深牢中求告你的名。I called upon thy name, O LORD, out of the low dungeon.

你的蓝在普通副本里应该大致够用。You shouldn't have huge mana problems in a normal dungeon.

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卡拉赞现在根据区域的不同,加入了14首新的音轨。Karazhan has 14 new soundtracks for different parts of the dungeon.

保罗,轻看了一切的福乐,在监狱中写上面的几句话。Paul, denied of every comfort, wrote the above words in his dungeon.

而雷锦仪却被暴露了身份,关在了军部的地牢里。And LeiJinYi was exposed the identity, is locked in military dungeon.

另外,D&D地城方格纸和D&D模型也能够增加你的游戏经验。D&D Dungeon Tiles and D&D Miniatures can enhance your play experience.

我们期望大多数玩家在这个地下城的战斗能保持一个轻快的节奏。We expect most players to battle through this dungeon at a brisk pace.

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若再在附近发现一间像模像样的地牢我也不会觉得很吃惊。I would not have been surprised to find a well-appointed dungeon nearby.

第一幕启幕时,舞台上现出了地主家里的一个地牢。In the first act the curtain goes up on a dungeon in a landlord's house.

下课铃一响,他就抓起书包,冲向地牢门口。When the bell rang, he grabbed his bag, and hurried to the dungeon door.

他的水牢是政府伪造的,现在的博物馆也说明了这一点。His water dungeon was a government fabrication, the museum now points out.

玩家现在可以在胡萨姆将军在战斗状态时进入地下城了。Players are now able to zone into the dungeon if General Hussam is in combat.

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活雕像被设定成地下城的摆饰。The Animated Statue is one foray into that gray region of dungeon decoration.

她只能对这个念头匆匆一瞥,便又急忙将其闭锁在它的地窖里。She barely looked the idea in the face, and hastened to bar it in its dungeon.

公元270年的2月14日,瓦伦丁在地牢里受尽折磨而死。AD 270 years of February 14, Valentine had been tortured in the dungeon to die.