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这即是对称的多重处理支援。This is known as symmetric multiprocessing support.

其中,服务器程序实现了并发处理客户机请求的能力。The server has the ability of multiprocessing the requests from the clients.

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如前所述,大多数现代处理器都包含对多处理的支持。As stated earlier, most modern processors include support for multiprocessing.

多是利用两个或两个以上的中央处理单元在一个单一的计算机系统。Multiprocessing is the use of two or more central processing units within a single computer system.

改善了在音轨中有很多音频贴靠事件时的高延迟的多处理性能。Improved multiprocessing performance at high latency when many AudioSnap events are present in tracks.

但是到了二十年后的现在,多处理利用对称多处理技术又回到了个人计算机系统中。But now, twenty years later, multiprocessing has returned to these same personal computer systems through symmetric multiprocessing.

Dalvik虚拟机,Bionic库和其它地方均增加了对多核环境中对称多进程处理的支持。A variety of changes in the Dalvik VM, Bionic library, and elsewhere add support for symmetric multiprocessing in multicore environments.

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描述区别在相称和不对称的多重处理之间。什麽是三好处和多重处理机系统一不利?。Describe the differences between symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing. What are three advantages and one disadvantage of multiprocessor systems?

这里的业务逻辑是由用户自定义的函数子实现,并且这些函数子只能用在逻辑记录处理的工作上,而不用关心多个处理操作的问题。The business logic is implemented in user-definable functors that only work on logical record processing and aren’t concerned with multiprocessing issues.

在开发多处理系统的同时,各种技术的使用也提高了缩小处理器体积和运行更快的时钟频率的能力。While multiprocessing systems were being developed, technologies also advanced the ability to shrink the processors and operate at much higher clock rates.

在多处理环境中,线程的处理时间与可用系统资源以及与其他线程的同步有关。In a multiprocessing environment, the processing time for a thread is related to the availability of system resources and synchronization with other threads.

因特尔已经开始利用它的工具大谈特谈,宣传通过多核CPU和增强型GPU的计算进行传统的对称多处理。Intel has been talking up a storm with its tools, evangelizing both traditional symmetric multiprocessing across multicore CPUs as well as GPU-enhanced computing.

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从多工处理问世之后,最被关切的议题之一即是如何改善多工处理器系统的忙碌等待同步化的问题。Since the inception of multiprocessing , one of the biggest concerns have been regarding how to improve the busy-wait synchronization techniques of multiprocessor systems.

实际上,吞吐量受到很多因素的影响,包括消息到达的速度、消息处理时间、多处理和调度、资源约束等。In reality, throughput is affected by a large number of variables including message arrival rate, message processing time, multiprocessing and scheduling, and resource constraints.

在具体实现上采用了QNX的多进程编程思想,对整个系统的流程进行了分析设计,将双下行信道的实现分为三个大的模块进行讨论。In the implementation, we used the multiprocessing method in QNX to analyze the general flow chart of system, and divided the realization of dual downstream channel into three modules.