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低桥限高。Low Bridge.

桥跨?。Bridge span?

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陆桥?。Land Bridge?

桥栏杆?。Bridge railing?

这座桥太长了?A bridge too far?

现在到驾驶台。Go to bridge now.

启动网桥。Start the bridge.

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⑧它在大桥街的右前方。It's Bridge Street.

他桥牌打的不错。He plays bridge well.

舟长在梁上。Captain on the bridge.

那是一座拱桥。That's an arch bridge.

舰桥也是一片混乱。The bridge was bedlam.

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桥已吊起。The bridge is drawn up.

那儿有一座石桥。There is a stone bridge.

他们来到了桥边。They came to the bridge.

他们能看到修好的桥。They can see the bridge.

这是青马大桥。This is Tsing Ma Bridge.

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你将会看到塔桥。You'll see Tower Bridge.

据说是因为这座桥很长。As the bridge is so long.

断桥是否下过雪?Bridge is under the snow?