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一部自命不凡的杂凑,不可能真正成功。A portentous soufflé that never truly rises.

他热情彭湃地介绍着每个怪异的话题。He introduced each portentous subject with buoyant enthusiasm.

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这样一个可怕而神秘的怪物激起了我所有的猎奇心。Such a portentous and mysterious monster roused all my curiosity.

在我面前展现出一条新的十年的凶多吉少、咄咄逼人的道路。Before me stretched the portentous , menacing road of a new decade.

这在人类活动之中是个非常具有影响力的时刻,将会改变所有的事情。It is a portentous time in human affairs and nothing will be the same as a result.

那句话在我耳朵里就像敲着闷鼓,如同被宣判了死刑。The words always had a portentous sound in my ears, like muffled drums or the words of the death sentence.

罢工时有发生,但影响最深远的莫过于1980年8月14日在格但斯克列宁造船厂爆发的大罢工。Strikes occurred, but none as portentous as the strike in the Lenin shipyards in Gdansk that began on August 14, 1980.

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那个怪异的思考者,我把它放到了橱柜边缘,这样他好象在朝下盯着那条浴巾,等待着它掉下来。The portentous Thinker I placed on the edge of the cupboard so that he looked down at the bath towel and waited for it to slip.

拉耶尔教派是一小拨人,主要成员是加拿大人和法国人,是由一个叫克罗德-沃利亚的人创立的,如今他以显得更能预示未来的“拉耶尔”作为自己的名字。The Raelians are a small group, chiefly Canadian and French, founded by one Claude Vorilhon, who now goes by the more portentous handle of "Rael".

而在维多利亚晚期一种普遍的办法是在一具裸露的躯体旁煞有介事地表演情景剧。One popular approach late in the era was to fashion portentous melodramas around a naked figure.Who could complain about impropriety if the subject was martyrdom?

希望这只是一个个别的事件,那一晚我一直清醒着,在脑海中搜索母亲更多的预言性的建议,发现她的智慧的预言一件一件地变为现实。Hoping this was an isolated incident, I spent that night awake, searching for more of her portentous advice, finding instance after instance of her wisdom come to fruition.

现在,当他看到一百艘因维战舰停靠在凡托玛空间,听到朗说出的那些不祥耳语之后,他终于找到了她,但这场面只是让他倍加担忧。Now, after seeing a hundred Invid ships anchored in Fantomaspace, and with Lang's portentous whisperings in his ear, he found her, and the sight only served to double his dread.

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她和朔说萤火虫只要七天的生命,却让本人在它们有限的生命中看到这美景,亚纪似乎认识到本人将有不祥的事情发作,便哭泣了起来。She and her new life as long as seven days said fireflies in them, but let my limited life, and see the beauty discipline seem to know to I will have a portentous thing attack, then cry up.

该论文确认,海洋对地球温度的微小变化非常敏感——鉴于人类排放在导致温度大幅上升,这个发现令人担忧。The paper confirms that the ocean is exquisitely sensitive to small variations in the earth's temperature — a portentous finding, given that human emissions are inducing a large temperature rise.