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它们扩展建立。They broaden and build.

我们需要开阔我们的视野。We need to broaden our horizons.

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我们总是力图使我们的视界开阔。We have always tried to broaden our minds.

扩建导致积极情绪。Broaden and build leads to positive emotions.

兼职及暑期工能扩阔视野。Part-time and summer jobs can broaden horizon.

积极情绪再进一步扩建。Then positive emotions further broaden and build.

许多人四处旅游以开阔眼界。Many people travel around to broaden their horizons.

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如果是这样的话,如此开阔眼界又有何益?If so, travelling can hardly help broaden their vision.

再教育是找到一个方法来拓宽你的知识。Instead, think of it as a way to broaden your knowledge.

把心胸放开,自然就可断除烦恼。If you broaden your mind, you will naturally stop worrying.

掘倒了那堵墙,以便扩宽路面。The workmen dug down the wall in order to broaden the road.

就像在山式,延长和扩展你双脚的脚底。As in Tadasana, lengthen and broaden the soles of both feet.

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另一方面,这些书还可以开阔视野。On the other hand, these books can also broaden our horizons.

大肚能容,容天容地,与己何所不容。Broaden my belly to take in the sky, the earth and the others.

你认为应如何扩阔功能界别的选民基础?Any other ways you propose to broaden the electorate base of FCs?

它会支持更高薪给的要求,让罢工扩大事态?Will it side with demands for higher pay and let strikes broaden?

第一,课外阅读可以开阔视野。First, , reading outside the college can broaden our visioned field.

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此外,为了开阔眼界、丰富学识,我还广泛地阅读各类最新的报刊杂志。In addition, to broaden my vision and knowledge, I had read extensively.

大学向青年人提供了许多开阔思路的机遇。University offers young people many opportunities to broaden their mind.

艺术与科学在物质生活领域构成平衡,并且拓宽经验世界。Art and since balance in physical realm, broaden the world of experience.