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使用“拉动”系统避免过度生产。Use "pull" systems to avoid overproduction.

也可像我们提供库存商品。You may also offer overproduction and remnants.

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中国也必须在它的生产过剩困境中解脱。China has also had to reign in its overproduction dilemmas.

这使得过度生产——金融危机的罪魁祸首,进一步加剧。This worsens the overproduction at the heart of the crisis.

政府补贴政策可以降低生产不足与过度生产的问题。Subsidization could reduce the problems of underproduction as well as overproduction.

在国外的过度消费走向终结之际,美国的过剩生产也必须终结。Just as foreign overconsumption had come to an end, U.S. overproduction also had to end.

在肺癌患者中,肿瘤很可能产生过量的PGE2从而导致杵状变。In lung cancer patients, it is most likely overproduction of PGE2 by the tumour that causes the clubbing.

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糖尿病是一种由于内源性胰岛素相对或绝对不足而引起的糖代谢紊乱的疾病。Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disease characterised by glucose overproduction and under-utilisation.

而美国的“寅吃卯粮”则使这种过剩维持了表面的平衡。Americans' spending on deficit only helped maintain the seeming balance between the consumption and overproduction.

松嫩平原黑土带最近出现粮食过剩、农民生产效益下降等问题。Grain is overproduction and Farmers' production economic results is dropping recently in black belt on Songnen plain.

由于产能过剩和中国的竞争,该公司正退出全球氰基乙酸乙酯市场。Due to overproduction and China's competitiveness, the company is ethyl cyanoacrylate withdraw from the global market.

脆性X神经没有能力将从mGluR5受体收到的信息静音,从而导致生产过剩的蛋白质。Fragile X neurons lack the ability to mute messages from the mGluR5 receptor, leading to an overproduction of protein.

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融合后的基因含有正常MLL功能,这会导致白细胞过度增生,最终形成白血病。MLL fusion genes likely co-opt normal MLL functions in blood cells, leading to the overproduction of white cells and leukemia.

预计,顺酐加氢类产品所需顺酐不能构成对现有过剩能力的消化。It is estimated that the demand for maleic anhydrite to produce its hydrogenation products can not ease the existing overproduction.

在危机期间,爆发一种在过去一切时代看来都好像是荒唐现象的社会瘟疫——生产过剩的瘟疫。In these crises, there breaks out an epidemic that, in all earlier epochs, would have seemed an absurdity--the epidemic of overproduction.

贝尔的药物,称为STX107,可以抑制受体,削减与脆性X染色体相关联的蛋白质的生产过剩到一个正常的范围内。Bear’s drug, called STX107, inhibits the receptors to pare back the overproduction of proteins associated with Fragile X to a normal range.

上个世纪90年代中期开始出现的“内需不足,市场疲软”现象,就是这种生产过剩危机的端倪。The phenomenon of "insufficient domestic demand and sluggish market", in existence since the mid 1990s, is an indication of overproduction.

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最后他再加入一种能够产生大量名为卵泡抑素的蛋白质的基因,它能够附在肌生成抑制素蛋白表面,导致其失效。Finally, he has added a gene that causes overproduction of another protein, follistatin. This binds to myostatin and renders it inoperative.

结论降低硬皮病成纤维细胞整合素的表达,可从转录水平抑制成纤维细胞合成原胶原。Conclusion Overproduction of procollagen may be inhibited in the level of transcription by lowering the expression of integrin on fibroblasts in scleroderma.

了解如何对待使用蘸酸奶是在这个自由的帮助视频从持牌护士对酵母的酵母感染棉球生产过剩。Find out how to treat the overproduction of yeast by using a tampon that is dipped in yogurt with help from a licensed RN in this free video on yeast infections.